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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Do not confuse ALL Christians with the ones who try to force their brand on you. Having given it a great deal of time, energy, and academic study, as well as personal study, I doubt that the teachings of Jesus were meant to "force" anyone to do anything. The whole concept is focused on love and relationship to God and others regardless of their faith or anything else. That adds up to joyful unconditional acceptance as far as I can tell. We have a whole new political-religious thing going on right now. It threatens all of us. Not just non-christians. Very scary stuff for sure. Dietrick Bonnhoffer (sp?) Has a theory of the five mandates. Church, family, friends, state, and marriage. they all naturally overlap a little bit but one should never overpower another. If that happens, it is time for some poor soul to exercise the "Ultima Ratio", and commit what would normally be a sin in order to bring the world back into balance. He co-masterminded a nearly successful assassination attempt on Hitler. He was the last person executed by the Third Reich. He was a Catholic priest.
  2. Bring me all your little white cars. Place them at my feet. Leave the keys. Give the silly hats to poor people.
  3. My theorey is that literacy has led to a different cognization of the world around us. Pre-literate peoples tended to have mythologies that emphasized cyclical patterns. Literate peoples tend to think in terms of linear equations and absolute truths. I believe that it is the concept of 'secularism' that makes the difference. 'Secular' is an abstract term that would have no bearing on a people who related to the world through personal interaction for every morsel of food and and calorie of warmth. The wisdom for sustaining these hard ways of life was stored in the 'mythology' of the society. In a pre-literate (badly used, ethnocentric term) society, a mythology was 'fluid' so that new perspectives could be introduced without destroying the basis for life/survival-wisdom. With the invention of literacy (Biblical Hebrew- Torah, Ancient Greek-New Testament, Arabic-Quran) the concept of fluidity was lost and people started following the concepts in the book because "It was written". As the mythologies that were recorded in the books became outmoded, their concepts became abstract- that is, not based in everyday life. Jack Goody referred to this as the "concretedness of experience". This loss of fluidity was addressed in Christianity in the Ecumenical councils, the splits into Eastern Orthodoxy, Greek Orthodoxy, Protestantism and so on. In each split there was the conservative party holding on to abstract principles and the radical party attempting to bring real life experiences into the relationship with God as they perceived Him. As science expanded , primarily through religious endevors at first, the rate of change became too great for the elders of the churches to keep up with. Eventually, we ended up with a separation of church from science which is too bad because religion started out as an empiraclly based body of wisdom- not just knowledge. As a society, we are teenagers. We have a great deal of knowledge but no body of wisdom to tell us how to use it justly, or efficiently or however you wish to look at it. With the coming of the computer age, we will see a similar change in the mode of cognizance and will see another revolution in social structures. You may now call me Bug-Babba. I will be your guide through the coming millennia. I will lead you out of the dark places where your soul has languished and bring a new light to the races of the world!. Foooollllloooooow. Follow me now.............
  4. I'll bite. What the f? There aren't any special characters in alphabet soup!
  5. One 'g', one 'r', one 'i' and TWO 'z's. No 'e'. Did he spew alphabet soup and this was all you could scrape up? OOPS. Sorry. Just had to get in on the thread drift. WHACK! Bad Bug.
  6. I thought Alex presented his post very clearly as hearsay and used quotes where the information was unclear. He tends to put out good information. Mellow out.
  7. I am swamped this week. I am still at work right now. Can someone reserve a group site over there? The BridgeCreek group site is nice. It costs money. We passed the hat last time and I think it came out OK.
  8. Are we supposed to bring crowbars and epoxy?
  9. My kids are into the overnight thing. Sacrificing marshmallows to the night is still far more important than climbing. Hopefuly, we will be able to have a fire but don't count on it.
  10. I vote for 11worth. But I will go either way. If it is Squish, someone else set it up as I have no idea what is up there.
  11. WARNING! Driver doesn't give a shit.
  12. Snaffles always start by licking you but we all know what they really want.
  13. Bug

    Kerry in Vietnam

    I agree with your statement that poloticians suck. But the rest of the stuff about not coming up with specifics is lame. If every candidate had to come up with specifics we would have an issue oriented campaign. The media will not stand for that. Nor would the public. It would be boring. All poloticians make broad statements about what they are going to do. Reagan was the master at this (or his writers anyway) second only to Goebels (Hitler's propaganda minister (only the mastery of propaganda is being compared here)). Not voting for Kerry because of lacking specifics is the same as not voting for a politician because he is one. Or maybe your post just lacks specifics......
  14. My name is Bug and I breathe through my ass. I don't like bushwhacking and I don't know why I am here. Does anyone have a drink?
  15. I am flushed with excitement at the prospect of GETTING SOME useful medication for a LACK OF PERFORMANCE by some part of my body while climbing at altitude. If my performance is enhanced for more than four hours, should I call my doctor?
  16. Maybe you should expand on that "twisted" theme.....
  17. Sorting gear just got a whole lot easier.
  18. This will give those high altitude bivys a whole new ambiance.... Keep your ice ax close boys.
  19. I gain a pound if I smell a truffle. Getting out in the mountains is the best way to burn it off. 6000 calories a day is probably an average for me. A long trip in the cold will burn much more especially when donning headlamps and skiing into the night. Eating sufficient protein and supplements afterwards is also important to building muscle and maintaining the burn for days after.
  20. According to The Dieter's Calorie Counter, one domesticated rabbit, meat only,4oz roasted = 175 stewed = 234 stewed diced = 288
  21. BE SILENT oh yee of tender years and little fat.
  22. There are so many variables that you will have trouble getting anything "exact" for your circumstances. I have read in many journals ect. that 6000 calories is a standard burn for a full day in the mountains. That seems accurate when compared to the stairstepper monitor that puts the burn at about 950/hr for me. Variables to include would be temp, elevation, oxygen consumption (it takes oxygen to burn calories.), Weight moved, amount and type of calories consumed. On top of that, figure in the recovery and build time after the exercise, again coupled with oxygen comsumption, type and quantity of calorie intake, fat burning/muscle building. You would need Catbird to figure this one out.
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