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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Ballard or Fremont would get my vote.
  2. Probably low. I was up at Stevens last Sat and there wasn't much snow.
  3. My little girl is growing up. Ladies size 8. 2 front buckles on the upper alone plus 2 or 3 on the foot. The softer the better.
  4. You are a cross-bolter then? Remember that guy in the mid 80's who was sending hard JT routes wearing nothing but leopord lycra and a chalk bag? He chalked his hands and feet. He got his photo in a few mags but disappeared kind of suddenly. Never heard the story but my guess is, the style patrol arrested him for having no front teeth.
  5. Or whatever. Chair? I would prefer to do a two or three day trip but will do a one day trip if needed.
  6. Check your PM's. Ignore Rumr. He climbs in plaid Lycra and has a pink chalk bag. He runs like this
  7. Maybe you shoulda hit her in the ass! OK. That was uncalled for. Just punch me next time you get the chance. I'm about 4'10", 120, blonde curly hair....
  8. Hmmm. Those were wide for her too. This woman is a freak!
  9. That ridge is a damn cold place. My sorry ass has never been there in the winter. But now you have me wondering..... Some of those upper ridge sections would be low angle snow. But a solid push? I would hate to burn out and have to curl up next to a frozen granite block for the night. That is beyond my "fun" limit. Bivy gear would get my vote.
  10. The 7th and tenth pitches of Modern Home Environment on Nez Pierce Spire in Blodgett Canyon MT. Pitch 7 is a splitter hand crack that goes at about 5.9. I got to be the first to climb it. Pitch 10 is teh giant roof pitch that goes at 5.9. By far the airiest pitch I have ever lead and I got to do the first lead. Since we were not sure how much rope we would have, we left the end tied into a pin under the roof. I also had to clean that. I placed a small stopper and stood on it while cleaning the KB. Then I pulled the rappel rope as tight as I could. It stretched about 12 feet horizontal and there is a good 2200' of space to the creek bottom. Then I jumped up a little and yanked the stopper and flew out into Blodgett Canyon. Life is sweet.
  11. Bug

    New eyes!

    One additional comment about price, I had to get the most expensive procedure done. If you get simple Lasik surgery, you can get it as low as $250 US per eye around Seattle.
  12. Bug

    New eyes!

    Only after reading too many posts.
  13. Sounds fun. Thanks for the TR and great pics!
  14. I want to hear more about Moses. Who has a story? Come on you German Holiday tourists, some of you have crossed paths with this guy and read this board. Cough it up. Nothing personal Erden. Your info is already on the web.
  15. This post belongs in the urban legends thread.
  16. Bug

    New eyes!

    I will have to lump all the answers into one response since I still have trouble focusing for long periods (eyes, this is not drug related). It costs $1990 Canuks plus transpo and lodging. I had a willing companion who drove me home and appreciated the nice room at the Marriot next door to the Coal Creek center. the room was $129 Canuks and I needed it for 2 nights. I had PRK instead of Lasik because my corneas are very thin. They have to leave a minimum 350 microns of base cornea and Lasik starts by peeling back the top 150. Lasik then reshapes the under portion and re-attached the flap. With PRK they numbed my eyes with drops, held my lids open with clamps, put rings on the work area and removed the epiphilium (eyeball skin) with alcohol. Then I had to stare at a red dot straight above while the laser zapped me. The right eye took about ten minutes and the left eye took about 4 or 5. Then they put a contac lens on the eye to replace the epiphilium until it grows back. That took me four days but I didn't use any of the pain killer drops. They slow down the healing and the pain really wasn't bad. From that point on I was able to see 20/20 if I focused and had rested my eyes immediately before. My reading ability is coming back a little slower but still seems perfect when I am rested. Driving or reading or any consistent use was out of the question. So I became a willing subject to the whims of my companion. She had a lot of good ideas.
  17. A friend of mine is having trouble finding a boot that fits her very narrow foot. It would be for backpacking and a little glacier travel. Sportivas are wide by her standard. Any suggestions?
  18. Bug

    New eyes!

    On Dec 23 I had PRK done to both eyes at Coal Harbor Eye Clinic in Vancouver BC. It was quick, half the price of any local place and my vision is now 20/20 in both eyes and will not be at 100% for six months. The pain factor was like having a hair under my contact for the first three days. I highly recommend them.
  19. I thought I had insulted you so much you wouldn't speek to me. I'm up for more of that alpine anytime.
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