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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I have an old friend who I met through legal battles. As we got to know each other we discovered that I was an active climber and he used to be. I invited him out which he accepted, and we started climbing regularly. He had two kids already and another on the way. I was not popular with his wife although she is a great person etc. It was only after knowing them for a few years that I heard a gruesome story. They were instructors and had a class out in the mountains. At that time, part of the class was for the students to go out on their own for a climb. The route was carefully pointed out to them but they deviated and trundled to their deaths.
  2. Black with rubber palms and finger tips. Slightly padded knuckles just for chuckles. $15
  3. Not having any luck getting the gear out of the x's garage yet. But I do have a pair of still in the plastic Axis jr. for $100. The Axis jr. features and aggressive 16mm sidecut for junior rippers. The only squirt in this model is the intended rider - this is an all-wood core ski - strange but true. Dimensions: 103/65/91. Sidecut:16mm. Radius: 12m @ 146. Construction: Torsion Box. Features: MOD Technology. Target Performance: Advanced Jr. Sizes: 146cm.
  4. Yo Joseph, I can disagree without criticising. Builder206, do you want her phone number? She's quite comfortable.
  5. i have to laugh b/c it's so damn close to happening to me! RUN BOY! RUN!
  6. I'm glad one of us can laugh about it.
  7. To elaborate, I used to be a pretty damn good climber but "I" chose a different path once the kids came into the picture. My now X-wife was totally freaked out about me climbing and would go so far as to deny sex for days after my return. THIS IS A TRUE STORY!!! So, I scaled back my climbing more and more and resented her more and more. Here is my rationalization for resenting her and eventually divorcing her. She is a controlling bitch. OK, more elaboration. I get all the points above and heartily disagree with your solutions. Getting out in the mountains has been the single biggest part of my life since I was 3 or 4 years old. Anyone who knows me for longer than 14 minutes will figure this out. SO why didn't my X figure this out before getting married? A woman marries a man thinking he will change. He does not. In my case, I would sooner donate my testicles to the Catholic church. The less I got out, the less "in tune" I was to my surroundings. This led to many near misses that I normally would have avoided. Weather is an unknown? I don't think so. If you pull your pants down in a crowded room you are going to get caught with your pants down. Same for not having the right gear in the mountains. Caught by a lightning storm? Let me guess, between 2 and 4PM right? And so forth. Life is inherently dangerous. I know a 12 yr old who was accosted by a pedofile in her driveway (no asshole, it wasn't me). How many of us know someone who died on a freeway? Did I think more about it when my kids came around? Yes. Did I get beat by a big stick in the hands of my wife? Yes. Which had the most effect, climbing or the stick? I climbed way more safely when I got out regularly than I do now. Just ask EricB.
  8. Having kids was the best thing I've done hands down. Having said that, here is some wisdom for you; "Marry whoever the hell you want. Just be damn careful who you have kids with."
  9. I'll check the gear and get back to you tonight.
  10. Surprised?! This is the USA. We even pick out president based on marketing.
  11. Don't be too hurt. I was escewered too for looking for a competent adult to help me take my 11 yr old up Rainier. But these were people who were worried about my daughter. That was the way I chose to take it. She watched the Everest Cenimax and then asked to go up Rainier. She is also a hearty athlete who carries her own weight backpacking and has a calm head. And I have summited Rainer several times and climbed seriously for 30+ years. I have not climbed Hood but if I did, I would take it seriously. There are clearly some easy ways up but the weather can turn on you quickly. Even if you never fall, your child could suffer serious problems. Anyway, PM me and we can try climbing something. Maybe you can help me take my 12 yrold up Adams next spring and I can help you get your 4 yr old out when the time is right.
  12. Was going to Msla but the roads are icy and my daughter has a B-Ball tourney. Will look for ice around Soqualmie. Anyone know of a place that needs volunteers for Thanksgiving? I peel potatoes, bake turkeys, and serve gruel. Preferably on the East side.
  13. Bug

    I want a girl...

    Who can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. -Willie
  14. Let me just say that George Bush IS a war criminal even if everything else here IS bullshit.
  15. It's the drugs. They're wearing off.
  16. Some have been attracted to even less.......
  17. I've been thinking. I don't want to meet any of you. You can't stay on topic. You must all be on drugs.
  18. Just so you know, you don't need any love potions to catch a man here.
  19. Nope. These folks were Microsoft with $ to burn. I get that you are just venting and your luck is a bummer. But as a note to all, definately pay attention to who you are buying from. If they can't tell you what it is used for, give em shit.
  20. My personal favorite was Damascus. They freely use the traffic circle and horn. Combine that with bicycles, donkeys and the occasional camel and you have a driving extravaganza.
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