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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    John Frieh

    I have read through this entire thread and feel like a whore.
  2. When is the tram scheduled to start construction?
  3. Bug

    John Frieh

    Whoa! Are we all supposed to be talking about climbing in this decade?
  4. Bug

    John Frieh

    Rumr still hasn't finished his project yet (work sucks). Everybody take a breath. It is almost summer.
  5. Bug

    Gear for 4 yr old

    Just tie him in with a diaper sling and chest harness with runners and let him bounce and swing. If he is like mine and kids of friends of mine, he will be into actually climbing for ten or fifteen minutes. The rest is play time with friends, toys, bugs etc.....
  6. Males loose a significant part of their ability to produce cartiledge at about 36-40. At that time any scar tissue you have built up, bone chips, rim abrasion, etc, is no longer well padded and will cause problems. As long as you keep humping heavy loads down hill you will be wearing your hips and knees out. It may sound like a worry-wart talking here but you should see my x-rays. You will end up like me unless you mellow out. Best of luck!
  7. I don't understand the premise of this thread. I've met most of these people and they are assholes in person too. Well, except for me. It's an internet thing. We are not alone.
  8. I like running as training for Rainier because of the altitude. Running gets your lungs ready to suck that thin air. The thinner it gets the more you will suck. For me it starts at 12000+. All the way up to 14 I am breathing really hard and appreciate the fact that all my aveoli are ready and not busting open under the strain. If you push yourself at the end of a climb so that you are breathing really hard for awhile, it will probably accomplish the same thing. FYI, I don't carry heavy loads above 11K so the heavy pack training is great for getting all your gear to Muir but probably overkill for summit day. Maybe leave the pack home one out of three times and go for speed and lung training.
  9. Well, I'm from Montana and we don't beleive its right to be rude to someone's face. We just shoot em in the back when they turn to leave.
  10. One, is there any other way to fall in a lake? Two, post the u-tube vid here please.
  11. And let's not forget the cult that sprang up in the northern Mediterranean basin in the third century. They beleived that the Amanita Muscaria was the second coming of Jesus.
  12. I climbed alpine on twin 9mm 50m ropes for years. I found them to be the optimum length and weight coupled with the requirement for gear to run a full pitch and rope management on small ledges and hanging belays. If the "Norm" had not become 60m and 30m rap stations and anchors, I would still be using 50m twins.
  13. It is a republican conspiracy.
  14. So lets be clear here. What was the lie? Are there ice sheets at the poles? Yes. Or do you dispute that? Are they shrinking? Yes. Or do you dispute that? Did the footage used in the documentary show real ice? No. It was computer generated. So how is this a lie? The Mona Lisa is a generated representation of a woman. Does that make Leonardo Divinci a liar? You are grasping a straws FW.
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