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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. icegirl

    Arafat has died

    Palestinian sympathiser? WTF? For once I just may have to agree with CBS.
  3. oy. some pictures should never be posted... Heh. was this your tryout for that new reality show "He's a Lady"?
  4. icegirl

    Weather Sucks

    See, and you wonder why people give you crap on the board. You take personal information and use it in your jokes.
  5. icegirl

    Weather Sucks

    to borrow a line, NOLSe, I assume you've heard it... Ch... You know nothing about my Pre or Post Bac education (or many of ours I imagine) Don't assume.
  6. My younger bro left today for somewhere out there... He's been my best bud since I was 4.9 years old. How about we stop fantasizing about this and that and just hope as many of our brothers/sons/daughters/sister/wives/husbands come home okay... It's all fun and games until it is you or yours. Am I the only cc.com-er that has a loved one in the line of fire? Or the only one willing to voice it? Or have I just missed your posts? (and if so, I apologize, my mind has been elsewhere...) Some of you need to adopt a GI, send em a care package, some cookies, whatever... Me? I got one already. thanks.
  7. hellooooo... hellooo..... anyone?
  8. icegirl

    Weather Sucks

    iain... yer funny NOLSe, what, you don't think the rest of us morons can follow along??
  9. icegirl

    Weather Sucks

    spelling was not the problem...
  10. Nah, they'd think I was a lesbian if I named her "Butch" From my favorite move "Butch is a Bitch" One of my friends took the boxer theme one step further and said maybe I should name her Tanya... har har... I'm leaning towards "Ali/Allie" right now, but we will see if she fits that bill in a few weeks... Kind of a big name for a fatty fat pup...
  11. FWIW, this list is incomplete. We are talking months out of date. If your are going to quote stuff like this, please have it as current as possible out of respect for the families. Thanks.
  12. icegirl

    Weather Sucks

    If you are like me, and work weekends and have weekdays OFF... I don't see the problem
  13. keep it up! I'm taking notes... "Cash back for Cleo" could almost fall into that latest poll by Layton tho We name our horses that way as well... it can get pretty funny... Once ended up with one named "B. B. Bint Bandolena" as she was the Great great great grandaughter (daughter = Bint) of a mare named Bandolena.. (B.B for short) and all the good names were taken... What kind of horses??? (arab's here) best name gets immortalized on paper and a pitcher of yer favorite beer
  14. hmm... they have always worked for me... but... done.
  15. Y'all asked about a name for the mini snaffle puppy girl... after a few thumbs down on "C&C's ice ice baby", "C&C's brindle ice" and Some funny looks for "Jackie's a time for change" (after her daddy cash, the election, and daylight savings time and that her breeding is an outcrossing instead of a line breeding - cash has the same grandpa on both sides, and Cleo's mom "Nick's Jackie Lantern who was born on Halloween or thereabouts) I came up with these which are even worse... Would it be wrong to name my puppy girl.... Cashius Cleo's Allie or Cashius Cleo's Leila Ali Hey, she's a boxer puppy... Shall I make a poll to name the puppy??? This could be fun... I'm taking input for names... It either needs to be a play on her daddy's name (Star haven's Cash and Carry) combined with Her momma's name (Cleo's Cleopatra Just Good Looking) both of which are named after their parents/breeders, OR some play on the Time or boxer theme... If you really want to play, here are the parents pedigrees for something to work with... (and you've nothing better to do) http://staff.washington.edu/ljames/cleoped.html http://staff.washington.edu/ljames/cashped.html "Ali's Dance for Cash" got shot down as well, although I thought that was quite inventive as well...
  16. TMI
  17. Use Safari...
  18. Yeah, since I can't get a date, I figure I'll have to make one, a la Weird Science... All I need are some snails now No "real" name yet... nickname currently is "Fatty" But since I've got to get her daddy's name in it somehow, I'm thinking of something along the lines of "Jackie's Dance for Cash" Jackie being her grandma, Cash being her father...
  19. if they were better, the admins might get on my case about clogging up bandwidth with puppy pictures Puppy girl got her dew claws removed and her tail docked today... I learned that dew claws when removed are called "snips"... So if I had some snails... "Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...."
  20. Yes, we are talking about puppies... get your mind OUT of the gutter selkirk
  21. yup... Cool huh! It's usually BIG, and then gets the impression that the world revolves around it due to lack of competition for the nipples...
  22. sucka's
  23. icegirl

    Server Slowness

    So this happened or did not happen? A lot of us jumped on the donation bandwagon to help out with it... An event 3 1/2 years in the making
  24. icegirl

    Server Slowness

    Didn't you just do some big expensive upgrade??
  25. Okay, all you disheartened voters... here is something to make you smile... do they get cuter than that?????
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