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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. Under Mormonism, the maximum number of guys who can marry each other is two, but the number of women that can marry each other is over 9000.
  2. Gibson Flying V more like.
  3. Sorry to ruin your theory Matt, but the truck didn't actually smell like a homeless guy was living in it. That was just the next line from Lebowski, after the cop tells the Dude that they couldn't recover the Creedance tapes. That's what happens, Larry!
  4. Did you find some homework stuck in the seat? Did they ever recover the Creedence?
  5. Party for your right to fight.
  6. ... and basted in ass jam.
  7. Seems like she's about one smoot tall and that's all you need to know.
  8. Fuck, Ivan, just Google that shit
  9. You say that like it's a bad thing?
  10. G-spotter


    Ronpaulachu, I Blame YOU!
  11. Sounds a little uncertain. Was the "civilian" a cat in a box or something?
  12. Half of the TRs on this site are climbing fiction. Just search for summitchasercjb for instance.
  14. G-spotter

    Caption Contest

    You don't get to be in the 1% without climbing over some bodies.
  15. There is also the point that the pseudoscientific premise that it is based on (that evolution happens slowly enough that humans have not adapted to a modern diet and so should readopt and consume a diet similar to pre-agrarian hunter-gatherers) is completely wrong and has been invalidated by the last 10-15 years of genetic research.
  16. G-spotter

    Ron Paul

    Kevbone, have you ever heard of David icke?
  17. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/occupy-wall-street-eviction-from-zucotti-park-may-stunt-political-movement/2011/11/15/gIQAwpKoON_blog.html Violence = failure.
  18. G-spotter

    Ron Paul

    REPTILE FREEMASON BANKERS ARE SPREADING CHEMTRAILS TO KEEP US OFF THE GOLD STANDARD. And putting rainbows in our sprinklers. It is all a vast conspiracy.
  19. Gray, yellow, red, blue zero cams. Orange, red TCU Green and up Camalots.
  20. Ohhhh reaaalllyyyyy? Poor girl. If only she had been armed, then she would still be armed. If I have two pears, and I eat a pear, then I've still got a whole complete pear even though I only have half a pair.
  21. I've been getting a lot of spam about nitric oxide lately.
  22. G-spotter


    Stop being so anal, Rob. Don't you like prole's cheeky humor? Maybe you need to reseat your chakra.
  23. Will that be more like River or more like Joaquin?
  24. G-spotter


    Are you saying it's a bummer?
  25. G-spotter


    Santorum cocktail? :moon:
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