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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. Yes it's true, she has a 2 year old boxer.
  2. Glad to keep you guys entertained with cheap thrills. My spelling sucks and is worse at 6:30 in the morning. That's when I start work. SO KISS MY ASS!!!!
  3. Crackbolter- just pay attention to this board for next weeks' epic thrash as we decide were to go.
  4. Glad to see that another important issue has devolved int o a spray fest with sexual overtones. Keep in mind that the Forest Service could be watching this. They hate climbers already in Lworth and this may look realy bad.
  5. Thanks to Ja Erik for providing the sacred substance. Thanks everyone else for showing up and making it a fun night. I expect a full report from someone with more time to kill at work than me.
  6. Icegirl says Balard so I say balard. Hatties Hat sounds good to me. So Hatties hat it is!!!
  7. I could not vote in the poll so I vote for ballard or some where in the north end. Looks like another shit storm of contarversy. How many posts will it take to decide? 50?
  8. Eric we have already decided on the Balard Bar and Grill. Nice poll
  9. OK AlpineK, your choice sounds good to me. A new place for us.
  10. Hatties Hat. End of story!!!! [ 04-15-2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Dave Schuldt ]
  11. Chuck - what about the Cottage Inn?
  12. The people with the stickers want to let everyone know they have lots of shit worth stealing.
  13. Mabey TNF likes getting beat up, or they make so money that they don't care. The comparison to Jim Jones is funny.
  14. What about Trask- rumor has it that he doesn't eaven climb!!!!
  15. Good point about the trivia. Chuck do you want to change it to the Cottage Inn at 95th and 35th NE? Close enough for you to walk or stagger.
  16. Hey Greg, you sound like Trask.
  17. Do some bong hits in full veiw of people walking by.
  18. Dave Page is a butcher. He is fine for boots but sucks for rock shoes. Ramutas' is great.
  20. You can work out then wank about about while you drink. Chuck- coopers is a great idea for the future. It's non smoking.
  21. I don't buy climbing stuff there any more. I shop at small shops were you are dealing with the person that orders the gear and they rember youur face. You may pay more, but in the long run their personal touch pays off This is hard to do in big company with low wages and high turnover. (I have worked several low paying dead end jobs- why care if you know you are going to quit soon?) Looks like REI is feeling the compatition from the small stores and the internet. Good luck Jules- hope to see you at a pub club soon.
  23. Icegirl , my parents had a lot of trouble with car breakins when they lived in a condo with a locked garage. We found a bag last year in the weeds behind work with rock shoes and harness pluss other odds and ends. There was a Plastic Garden membership card in it so I was able to return it. The owner had not missed it yet so it was freshly stolen. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHY ALL DRUGS SHOULD BE LEGAL . FUCK THE WAR ON DRUGS!!!!! Good luck Loural
  24. WELL SAID LOREN!!!!!!!
  25. Steve, prepare to be abused!!!! You have unwhitingly provided a forum for our favorate sport of mountie bashing. This sport makes us feel big and strong. FUCK YEH!!!
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