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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. Sorry v, I forgot about your birth day. The Nickerson sounds good to me. Non smoking is cool. See ya there.
  2. Speak up south sounders or it's Golden Gardens again.
  3. quote: Originally posted by trask: Dennis, dude, pop a lude and chill out. Fuck! Everybodys' got their own agenda. "News flash!!!" It just might not jive with yours. Ya think? trask Good point , trask Pay attention, Vantage may be a choss pile but, it would shure suck to loose it. Weekdays are awsome.
  4. Thanks Alison for bringing this up again. This is one of the most inteligent discussions I have seen on this site. It's hard to stay out late and socialise if you decide to get up at 4 or 5 am to go climbing or skiing.
  5. Hey v, how old are you/
  6. Wake up Vantage posers!!!! Read article in the Seattle Sunday Times - PI.
  7. trask, sk, Alison and peter puget. the order should be peter, sk, trask then Alison.
  8. I want cavies gut as the anchor
  9. Good to see people from overseas, how did you find this site?
  10. Don't take everything on this site seriously.
  11. Hey sk and trask this is serious bussiness here, take our spraying to another thread. You 2 deserve each other. I would like to go this weekend, anyone from Seattle interested? I need a ride.
  12. Interested.
  13. Hey trask, you claim to be 49, but, you post as if you are 16. I think you lied about your age!!
  14. Hooters has shitty food, says the guys at work. We want a real bar! Besides, I heard that the waitresses at the Lake Union one aren't worth looking at. trask you can go by yourself!
  15. Thought this was worth bringing to everyones attention for those who were away from the computer this weekend.
  16. Erick, what brought that on???
  17. Jeff and I vote for the Zoo.
  18. I would favor Ballard or downtown. Is there any good non-smoking places. I forgot, Jeff Hansel suggested the Zoo on Eastlake. We haven't been there yet. The Zoo is cool.
  19. Dave Whitelaw shows up for pub clubs, maybe you can talk to him there. He does not post on this site, however, his friend mattp is a regular
  20. Call Mountain Gear in Spokane, they might have more beta. Would like to see a trip report when you get back. I have heard great things about this placel
  21. How about giving us some bata on Honeycomb? I have never heard of it. Thanks
  22. Hey dennis, you suck!!!!
  23. A chance to show off and compare!!!!!!
  24. People we should feed to his shredder: Larry the Tool Pope John Paul President Bush Other suggestions?
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