THE PEOLE HAVE SPOKEN!!!! U districk is good, never been to the Dutchess, so lets go there. We have been to the Alki a bunch of times. Where4 is the Dutchess??
Cavey, good to see your back and up to your ald tricks. Keep those death threats comming, we know that you are realy one big warm and fuzzy guy that woudn't hurt a fly. You should found sprayaholics anonamus (sp?).
I was climbing at Vantage. Saw 2 other parties at Sunshine wall and 1 at The Feathers. Nice and quiet with the wild flowers just starting to bloom. Hope you had as much fun at work as I climbing!!!!!
Stop whining, see you at the Elysian. We can go back to the smoking bars next week. Come on Icegirl, back me up on this. The palce is plenty big enough for us.
Alison, I am not blowing you off- I dan't know how to work the chat room. I keep getting a note that "Alison has invited you into the chat room." I click Ok then it comes up again, I click OK. The window closes and I am not in the chat room. Oh well looks like the demons have taken it over!!
I am with Icegirl, we have been to smokey places lately. Alpine k, youare a wimp if you can't handle the artsyfartsy crowd at the Elysian. Icegirl, just call it at the Elysian and us boys will be there!!!!
This situation realy sucks!!!! Glad to see they lost a sled, they desurve it. DUMBSHITS!!!!! I hope the sled is found and removed before it palutes with oil and gas sjpills. I hope they get the bill for removal. FUCKERS.
Uncle Tricky, it's good to see you back on the site. Why don't you show up at a Pub Club so we can enjoy your trip reports.
[ 04-20-2002, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Dave Schuldt ]