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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. Looks like it's leanin' toward Alki. I haven't been there before - where is it (besides at Alki).
  2. I am drunk now but I wasn't in the middle of the day. I was on some mountain then.
  3. Yeah, that downloadable version is not nearly as detailed as SMRU's guide.
  4. The Climbing Guide to Mt Erie is often available at the Mt Erie Grocery store (or what ever that place is called down there by the waterfront). It's published by Skagit Mountain Rescue Unit - they use the place for practice & training. As I recall, I got my copy of it at Marmot.
  5. 74th St Ale House. Any takers?
  6. Fiddler's Inn is pretty small. Park Pub is okay. 74th Street Ale house is non-smoking, and has a decent atmosphere, but can get crowded. I like the two latter ones because I can stagger home from them, or drive with minimal damage.
  7. That explains why he shaved his head and pulled out all of his finger and toenails.
  8. Yeah, but 1800 of them are the same 3 people.
  9. lizard_brain

    evil cc.com

    I just ran cc.com thru the Pornolizer and I found it's evil twin... http://www.pornolize.com/cgi-bin/pornolize2/pornolize2.cgi?lang=en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cascadeclimbers.com%2Fmt%2Fclimb%2F&submit=submit
  10. "Reality is perceived, and therefore varies." -My Uncle
  11. So one guy in the Mountaineers says it's not safe to solo climb. Big deal. Why not bitch about him instead of the Mountaineers? I say that because I know there are Mountaineers that solo, so I doubt that that attitude is the "standard" for the whole organization.
  12. He's still a dork.
  13. quote: Originally posted by Alpine Tom: ...it's lightweight, won't spoil, nutritious, and, of course, you probably won't be tempted to snack on it. ...That's why I carry Power Bars as extra food. Uhh...what was the topic?
  14. Must've been someone else...
  15. I see what you're saying, Lowell. Like I said earlier, I have nothing against the Mountaineers. I admire Steve for his patience and respect his offer. But I am SOOOOO tempted to ask: Where was he at the last PubClub? Will he be at the next one?
  16. quote: Originally posted by trask: any women can carpool with trask ... i'm not a perv You still have those Roofies I sold you - or do you need some more?
  17. [ 04-05-2002: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  18. First we need to form a PubClub Committee to oversee the formation of the PubClub-Sub-committees and the PubClub-Sub-Sub-Committes. The committees shall be as follows: Administration Sub-Committee: Operation of PubClub Committe, Sub-Committees and Sub-Sub-Committes Tab Sub-Committee: Oversees bitching about deadbeatsRotation Sub-Committee: Oversees arguments about location for the next PubClubTable Sub-Committee: Maintains optimal number of tables for usersChair Sub-Committee: Maintains number of chairs proportional to number of tablesTable & Chair Liason: Maintains relationship and communication between Table Sub-Committee and Chair Sub-CommitteeAccess Sub-Committee: Rest room issuesSafety Sub-Committee: Resolves safety issues for drunken climbersPublicity Sub-Committee: Maintains location of PubClub on cc.comSecratary of Sub-Committees: Pushes paper, looks busy and acts importantField Trips Sub-Committee: Oversees training of newbie PubClubbers by inexperienced PubClubbers Any other suggestions shall be presented to the Suggestion Sub-Committee and ignored by those that know better than you. [ 04-05-2002: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  19. How about a detailed set of rules...you know, like the Mountaineers...
  20. quote: Originally posted by jon: She's lying don't trust her!!!!!!! I first asked for a humvee but they said no way so I settled for the Land Rover. I'll fit in just fine in Bellevue now. I pitched them the idea of the "mattp effortlessly cool alpine beta buddy" doll and I thinked they liked it. It's like hey alpine buddy what should we climb this weekend, pull the string, "let's do a rare line on Big Four!" YES!!! C'mon, dude, tell the truth! They offered you a job!!! They said "Dump the thread, and we'll give you a cush job in the climbing department, and all the reefer you can smoke to lower you IQ!" and you snapped it up.
  21. How about some 'splainin'? Waddup wit the closure? Fill us in! [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  22. Dude - what the fuck websites are you surfin'? Nevermind - I don't want to know.
  23. ...and who's actually taken some falls on one?
  24. quote: Originally posted by glen: That being said, they had only one type of snow shovel to "choose from". ...and it sucks.
  25. One other situation was the time I asked for 24 feet of 6mm cord. They refused to sell it to me until I told them what I wanted it for. They said they had to verify that I was buying it for "appropriate" use. What the fuck would anyone be buying 24 feet of 6mm cord at a climbing store be doing with it BESIDES making a cordelette? My assumption is that they really didn't know what a cordelette is, and just went along with what I said so they wouldn't look MORE stupid than they already did. [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
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