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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. I can say from experience that these guys are not Mountaineers. If they were, they would have them wearing helmets and belay gloves. There are other a couple of other details, but I'll skip those. But this ain't a Moutaineers pic. (The other ones look like they were.)
  2. I'm having trouble accessing the pics from the Colin Haley Advertisements for Alpinism Article, too.
  3. Well it will have to come out then, Mr. Gumby!
  4. MMMmmmmm.... Hand sanitizer...
  5. How long was the drive? I've thought about taking my nieces to The Feathers while they are visiting here, but the thought of a 3-hour drive each way is horrifying. (7 and 10 years old.) Camping there might make it better. Who knows who else might have used kids' rock shoes? Second Ascent? I'd prolly only get new harnesses & helmets.
  6. Easy as ever, we strayed off it a bit for variety. It was a fun day, nice climb, great weather. North Cascades is always great for views...
  7. Very cool! I've passed your post on to him. If he doesn't go for it, I will...! Thanks!!!
  8. You should attend some of the feild trips. I don't know what your impression of the Mounties is but, you should see the ones that DON'T MAKE IT THROUGH THE COURSE! Imagine some of the people in the world that want to be 'climbers', and sign up for the basic course. We get to deal with some real delusional people. Just look at those pictures. Some people sign up for the course that are so out of shape it is pathetic. And some get vertigo just climbing up Sherman Rock. Not all of them are like this, mind you. Most of them are very average people. But a few are real gems. We get a couple each year that we remember for years. Good and bad.
  9. I will add one thing about the Mountie program - those that climb with them (those that have been through the program) know what they're in for. In other words, the program is uniform, so all Mountie climbers know what others that have been through the program have been taught. And if people in the program don't get it, they're OUT. I've been through the Mountie program myself, and taught parts of it a few years, and persoanlly kicked people out of the basic course each year that either just didn't get it or didn't bother to. They know what they are supposed to learn, they know what they will be tested on and when, and if they don't pass by the deadline - GOODBYE! I don't see why some people bother to sign up for the course. They have literally MONTHS to learn this stuff, and some of them don't bother. Someone may have an evening class on knots, and be told they have to have them down by the next feild trip in 4 weeks, and they show up and know none of them. And what do they do? APOLOGISE! What do I do? SEND THEM HOME! I ask them "If you were me, would you put your life in my hands? I sure wouldn't put my life in yours. Goodbye." Similar things happen every year.
  10. Here you go... Kind of subtle, but you are in the little white circles on the route...
  11. Hey! I was one of the guys you talked to in the TH parking lot... I have a couple of pics I took from the summit of Liberty Bell that day with you guys in the background on the West Face of NEWS. You can just barely see the little black dots in the crack. I'll post them here later.
  12. lizard_brain

    Barry Bonds

    I wish I could find the article that I read in CNN or NTY or somewhere that described how much more he would be making if he were not (supposedly) on 'roids. They broke down the value of different advertisers and how much other athletes are getting from them, and how much HE WOULD or COULD be getting from them, and it worked out to something like $28 million more if he were (supposedly) clean. Big companies don't want to touch him.
  13. Those are tights? I thought that was a tattoo...
  14. Thanks! I'm thinking about giving that route another run in September...
  15. Hey! That's me! Yesterday! I climbed!
  16. But I did go climbing yesterday! And the day before! Yay!
  17. God I hate this site.
  18. They should make everyone moderators, and teach us all intolerance.
  19. You suck. I hate you. I want to die.
  20. I agree.
  21. Or at least just cut out spray. Who gives a rat's ass about who doesn't have a life. Let's hear about who's contributed most to posts relevant to climbing. 90% of the time I come to this site to entertain myself when I'm bored at work, not for news and information about climbing. For me, it's not a climbing site anyway - it is sometimes, but #1 it's cheap entertainment. Prime example: This thread.
  22. Or at least just cut out spray. Who gives a rat's ass about who doesn't have a life. Let's hear about who's contributed most to posts relevant to climbing. 90% of the time I come to this site to entertain myself when I'm bored at work, not for news and information about climbing. For me, it's not a climbing site anyway - it is sometimes, but #1 it's cheap entertainment.
  23. Bra Vo.
  24. Spray Park and Spray Falls are out of Mowich Lake. Spray Park is a large meadow about 3 miles in from the TH at Mowich Lake. Spray Falls spur trail is somewhere around 2 miles (just a guess). The spur trail is less than 1/4 mile long. Scramble a couple hundred feet up beyond the end of it to get to the real views of the falls (like in the pic). To get up to Hessong, there is a scrambler's trail somewhere to the right of Hessong Rock that goes to the saddle on the ridge. Go around the back of Hessong and there is a trail up the back side. It's just a steep walk.
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