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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. I add fertilizer to CC.C in copious amounts.
  2. it's also gross Look - ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is drive to the store. It's all right there. No hunting, no gathering, no footprints. It's easy.
  3. You don't need to kill meat - meat comes from stores.
  4. do you hunt it or get it at the store? Free range.
  5. I don't like gummy bears either. That's why I bite their heads off.
  6. I like to bite the heads off of gummy bears and line the bodies up on my desk.
  7. PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
  8. its a lot easily to bag deer up there than a moose. how about this fish!: Goddam corn fed fish.
  9. lizard_brain


    ...so to speak...
  10. Yes, I have used pick up lines. Yes, they have worked for me. Next thread. Was it really worth it? ...That's what she said.
  11. Yes, I have used pick up lines. Yes, they have worked for me. Next thread. And yes, just about every pickup line I've seen here I've heard over and over in various forms for the last 20 years.
  12. lizard_brain


    Young and impressionable, perhaps, but not stoned. The thing that interested me most about their unintentional coinage of this term was the way they were using it inferred that muscularity is a masculine trait which is inappropriate for a woman to exhibit. I highly doubt their classmate was ripped, so I can't help but wonder what it was about a girl having an athletic appearance that incited them to badmouth her efforts to take care of herself. She didn't fit into the mold of what a "girl" was supposed to look like? Personally, I hope that strong girl keeps working hard, and when she's out doing triathalons and sports events long after those other girls can climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, I hope she runs into them signing up for some fluff fitness class at the gym and laughs at what their arms look like now. Jealous, they were.
  13. Ouch. But to which I'd respond... Do you mind not talking while we're screwing. I'm trying to pretend you're somebody else but your voice is ruining it. That's not talking, sweetie. That's laughter. Sorry - it's hard to tell with that sock in your mouth.
  14. "What do you mean 'No'? You said 'Yes' to my brother, didn't you?"
  15. cc.com GOD I am bored at work cc.com Yes, I have a boring job cc.com No, I'm not a climber, Yes, I'm a cubicle jockey
  16. Hey! You look like you have low standards too! You wouldn't look as fat if you were naked. You're ugly, I gotta bag. Let's go. Excuse me, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
  17. ...So would the tooth.
  18. I know a guy that was banned from that reastaraunt in North Bend for going around and eating table scraps and finishing drinks from peoples' tables when they left. What's the name of that place...?
  19. I have nothing to add to this thread.
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