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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Free camping and free beer...in the fall when it's not so crowded. If it gets any bigger we'll need 2 kegs. Seriously though Matt, what sort of "involvement" is the AAC looking for? I thought about attending the meeting, but thought they were looking for club organization stuff. Don't have any available time for that sort of thing right now...
  2. Suprised you guys haven't dis'd Adventure yet. Not a great mag but it's got enough entertainment for the price of a subscription. And you get a free pocket knife/wine bottle opener.
  3. Didn't say she was a talented writer or that it was any better than the other books on the 96 climb. Just another perspective...
  4. When you do, keep in mind that Boukreev's book is written based on FIRST HAND experience from a highly trained high-altitude mountaineer. Whereas, Krakauer's book was written based on SECOND HAND information from lesser-trained individuals and the conjecture of a man who was passed out during the whole incident (himself). For another perspective add Lene Gammelgaard's book "climbing High" to your list. She was part of Scott Fisher's group and gives one more first hand account of what happened up there. After reading all three books I personally think Krakauer's motives are suspect. It underscores how there is no "truth" we each have our own "reality" based on what we experience.
  5. Yep. It's unfortunate though in my opinion...but that's another thread topic. I talked to one of my climbing friends about how to handle non-climber conversations about climbing a few years ago after repeatedly being asked by business clients if I had read "Into Thin Air" once they found out that I climb. He made a good point that unfortunately non-climbers whose only view into our world is sh**y climbing lit or movies will think they understand because they don't know any better. Which is more frustrating than people who know nothing. Helping these peole understand really isn't our problem as a community unless there are serious issues on the table (access, fees for rescue, etc.). Unless it's a person/relationship we value it can be a wast of time and they probably don't really care. For people we care about, helping them "get it" will be better in the long-run because we'll be able to relate, don't complain when we're gone all the time, and may even be interested in trying it. Erik's advice is great. Get them out there to try it. What have you got to lose. You can possibly increase the number of belay slaves you have access to. As for people you care about who "hate" the sport/pusuit/lifestyle (however you relate to climbing). No real advice here. I've helped my parents deal with it by talking about how I manage risk. I've been less successful with significant others. Basically it's tricky in my experience to have a relationship with a non-climber and pursue climbing as more than a casual activity.
  6. Sounds great David! Thanks for all the research. See ya there after my class.
  7. What time does the band hit the stage? Is there a separate room we can hide in? If they start before 9 or 10, perhaps we should change the venue to the Owl & Thistle. David Parker would that work for you?
  8. Trad: 1) NWCorner of NEWS 2) Reed's Direct in Yosemite 3) Godzilla Aid 1) Town Crier 2) The Prow Alpine Fisher Chimneys
  9. LOL Don't forget that some chicks think it would be a dream date...
  10. It is hard to resist looking. I know not to look when bounce testing or stepping onto the piece, but for some reason I keep wanting to look to see if it's gonna shift/pop. Guess I want a second's notice if I'm gonna fall.
  11. No more ratings after the upgrade. Guess we're all a bunch of no stars now. The sneeches will be jealous. or is it that we're jealous of them. Can't remember.
  12. Must have been an offline deal huh? Don't remember any discussion/invites to the masses.
  13. You can check my guidebook tomorrow. I'll bring it to the gym.
  14. Great! We can adoid the perverbial debate next week! Thanks, David!
  15. The food is good if you're looking for fried pub fare. The halibut and chips is really good. Good selection of microbrew on tap. The place is generally smokey and the waitresses can be rude when it's time for last call. Sounds like Alpinek's kind of place. See ya'll there.
  16. I finally got in touch with the company my roomates were using and all is well. Too bad for the other party. My condolences to the families.
  17. Thanks. That helps a lot.
  18. Thanks Erik. Dru or anyone else who knows that area... My roomates were going to the Selkirks and were working with a company out of Nelson. Is that near Revelstoke? They weren't supposed to be heliskiing, but the number of people in the party is right.
  19. Anyone know a good news site to find out info on a very recent avalanche up near Revelstoke? My roomates are up there skiing and the news report I heard about said 7 americans were killed... Nothing came up on a seattletimes.com search.
  20. I have a great pair of K2 shaped skis that currently have downhill bindings. And I have two pairs of downhill boots that you can check out. We already know we have the same shoe size. I'd give you a good deal. Send me a pm. I think I skied in them about 1/2 dozen times before I switched to snowbaording and never looked back.
  21. Whatever Kurt... Do you think I care? I don't really give a shit where we drink. If I show up and don't like to place I'll leave. We hadn't been to the Blue Star in over a year and the last time we were there people had a fun time (until we had to figure out the tab, but that's another story...). Most of the other chicks were up for it I thought it's be nice to have a more balanced group for once. Not my fault they didn't show up. If we don't go to the Alki or the downtown place David wants to hit, maybe we should consider going to that place over in Queen Anne that Icegirl suggested awhile back. It had a good room downstairs for all of us to hang out in, darts, pool, etc. and the owners were bending over backwards to accomodate us.
  22. Peter Ackroyd recently included this in an email to all Cascade Section members. He is the section chair and is trying to invigorate the members to be more active. "2002 Climbing Activities – I received quite a few responses to my request for some brief accounts of your notable climbing activities this year for possible inclusion in the AAJ Section Report. I have to submit our Section Report by January 1st so please send any further notes right away! I want to make it clear that this information is not for use in the main section of “Climbs and Expeditions” that requires a lot more specifics and is, I believe, only for Grade IV climbs and above. If you want to be considered for inclusion in that section then you should submit the details to the AAJ Editor directly. "
  23. Hey Timi. It's beer tomorrow night (unless you're meeting Trask for brews tonight?) and it's looking like the Blue Star.
  24. I think it's on Tuesdays because of history. It got set a long time ago... Maybe having it on Tuesday let's everyone spray about the weekend's trips before heading out to drink.
  25. chelle

    Alpinist 1

    Dru -Agree on the desert spire article...boring. But I think they were creative about using a removable wood rap device so they could still put up new routes. Sounds like you enjoy the mag even though you're so critical of it. All mags have their good and bad points. This one is the best of the lot in my opinion. For anyone in the Seattle area Second Ascent is selling the mag for below cover price. I think I paid $10.95 for it.
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