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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. naw, Rob's wife has nice tits
  2. Scroggin the same woman gets boring anyway. I'm with Charlie - off the bitch.
  3. That's nice Necro; always the gentleman
  4. I agree Dave. Rush should resign and get help. Prison? Naw.
  5. Let's try and look at this from the viewpoint of our BG. His simple spur of the moment robbery, has turned into something that he didn't expect and he is behind the curve big time. His options are somewhere between zero and none, he is in fight or flight mode, but he can't run with the police outside. Now we have a panicked clientèle within the restaurant and this is just playing on his nerves big time and he might be going into all out panic mode. So, the gun is to the head of your significant other and we have a scared adrenaline hyped BG and no idea how many sleepers might be in the crowd (always consider this) and you are facing him or at the least in his peripheral vision and you think you have a shot, you move , he is startled turns towards you and using both hands to turn his hostage and because the motion cause the muscles in his hand to contract and BANG, the gun goes off killing your significant other.
  6. Correct answer!!! Give Baby Orca a Cupie Doll.
  7. allthumbs

    dumb ass

    suicide is in order
  8. You and your significant other are out for the evening. The establishment you're in gets robbed. You follow the advice of the politically correct and pass on a perfect 7 yard shot at the badguy. The LEO's show up and a stand off ensues. The badguy grabs your significant other and has her in the classic hostage pose... gun to the head. You only have a Head shot, and the badguy is freaking out. What do you do?
  9. allthumbs

    dumb ass

    I heard on Paul Harvey that a man from North Carolina who had steel rods in his back saw a woman being robbed at an ATM. He shot the robber's tires out and shot him in the leg. The guy dragged himself into a Police station complaining that he had been shot! After a search, I found this link, evidently Paul got some of his facts mixed up, but the story is basically true. http://newsobserver.com/news/triangle/story/2778042p-2574281c.html
  10. I must make a confession. I'm a bit of a voyeur, so whenever possible I pee in the ladies room...makes Mr. Happy, happy!
  11. you girls are nasty will you pee on me?
  12. When you go to relieve yourself do you use the urinal - with the chance of someone coming up behind you, or do you use the stall? Which is tactically better?
  13. I live rural. We don't cotton to that political correctness shit. Fuck off nigga.
  14. Indeed. He showed up. matt, are you pissed cause you didn't see me?
  15. Yes, the dems. are well known for election tampering and whimpering.
  16. TIRED OF LOOKKING IN THE NIRROR? shut up ya drunk
  17. Police in Britain using a radar gun noted a reading of more than 300mph, just before their equipment fried. Seconds later a low-flying Harrier jet hurtled past. The police complained to the Royal Air Force about the damage to their equipment, but the police were told to consider themselves lucky. The Harrier's target-seeker had locked onto the radar and triggered an automatic retaliatory air-to-surface attack. Fortunately for the police, the Harrier was not armed with missiles."
  18. Iaxxx, you're a punk - shut up.
  19. trask, sugar, but you'll note that it's the scientist and engineers that can afford to buy the boats you insure. and mustache or not at least we have women on our boats. not "floatation devices" My friends are powerboaters where the average starting price is at the high end for a blow boat. Guys, you like hamsters? Get a blow boat chick.
  20. As for you Mr. Beck...all I can say is "Look at you now".
  21. Oh I forgot, engineers and scientists are predominately blow boaters. They ask stupid technical questions of brokers and generally make pests of themselves. We laugh at them daily and comment on the nice mustache's their women seem to sport.
  22. yeah minx, keep laughing you nerd.
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