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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    the humiliator

    I'll bet anything j-b and allison are the same. In fact I fucking know it, and I'll never believe otherwise. She's just pissed because I won't scrog her fugly ass.
  2. j_b, my bitch with you isn't necessarily your slant on things or your political views. What irritates me most is that you typically post a link, followed by the full article. No real wit or thought of your own, just some far left shit to incite a riot. If you'd come up with some of your own material, even if it's cut'n paste but modified in your own words, I wouldn't jump your shit so much. In a word j_b, you're extremely BORING. Also, if you'd take shit like a man rather than whining about it and pointing fingers, it'd go smoother for you around here. trask
  3. Indeed. I always wondered if Dru could talk the shit, and now I know. Well done ya hoser.
  4. Dru you da man Dru, you da man!
  5. WASHINGTON -- Sen. Orrin Hatch says Arnold Schwarzenegger should not be judged on past improper advances towards women but as the devoted husband he is today, adding that the foreign-born GOP candidate for California governor also should have the opportunity to run for president under a constitutional amendment Hatch is pushing. I say, "Hell Yeah!" ...shove that in your pipe and smoke it j-b, you tool.
  6. allthumbs

    the humiliator

    you still up stirrin shit, fool? eat balls you're as bad as marylou, in fact i think you are marylou
  7. Actually, Flash is the most intelligent fucker on this bbs. More so than Dru even...but, he's a pinko commie sympathizer.
  8. allthumbs

    The Future

    henny penny says the sky is falling
  9. allthumbs

    The Future

    More power to ya Flash. I'll be sure to remember that when I'm Marlin fishing off Venezuela this spring.
  10. allthumbs

    the humiliator

    I never insult rbw1966. He always posts good shit. You on the other hand always post negative shit about life in general. Always the downer side of things. I reiterate...you suck.
  11. allthumbs

    the humiliator

    j_b tool - Arnold could give a shit. He "copped the feel" and the gals were loving it at the time. BFD. And as to Hitler, he just said he admired how the fucker rose from nothing, not that he admired what Hitler became. At least Arnold didn't lie about shit. Give him a chance asshole, you might be surprised. People like you totally suck...so ready to cut down anyone that doesn't follow your party line. You really suck.
  12. allthumbs

    the humiliator

    heh j_b, you homo, click here for a money shot of Arnold.
  13. allthumbs


    stiffle it, you Hillary-lovin' anorexic asshole talk about off-topic, all you want to do is defile my good name crawl back under your rock, smegma-breath
  14. allthumbs


    I need everyone's help out there. I am going to be j_b for a halloween party, and I want to try to be as accurate as possible. I need to know who makes the green trenchcoat that j_b wears while flashing students on University Ave. I also need to know where I can buy it. I hope someone can help me. Thanks.
  15. allthumbs


    j-b, your continual whining and arguing is wearisome. Changes don't happen over night and definitely won't happen if you aren't willing to put in some effort, but if you can muster even a little cooperation and hope, you may break this vicious argument cycle.
  16. allthumbs


    Hey j-b...get over it you sorry sumbitch. You'll never measure up to me and you know it. I had more pussy by the time I was 16 than you'll EVER have. Not to mention I'm a fun guy and always buy a few rounds. Nice article Beck
  17. yeah, you're the real deal, eric
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