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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. speaking of j_b, whatever happened to that sack'a shit?
  2. I use a 5 D-cell Maglite duct taped to my helmet. It's really bright and I can use it for a club if attacked by a bar.
  3. I guess I should apologize to ehmmic and the mufster for catagorizing them. You're both more like one of the boyZ.
  4. hahaha, should about handle my potty mouth
  5. hardy hardy har, I got the jist of it
  6. Don't you think that's a bit anal Trask? Perhaps, but it bugs the shit outta me and every girl/woman I know, including my daughter, does it the wrong way. It must be one of those left brain, right brain things.
  7. Hey ShitForBrains, your opinion of me has less value than a festering discharge from a leper's rectum. Go fuck yourself to death.
  8. I can post nicely wherever I please. If I want a pissant to tell me what to do, I'll let ya know.
  9. I think it's disgusting for sure. Especially the pink one in Dru's bathroom.
  10. more importantly, why do women always install the tp roll backasswards? the plys should always peel off from the front, not from behind. girls, sheesh!!!
  11. hope ya like him 'cause he's gonna be around for another 4 years ... piss'n moan all ya want; those are just the facts, Sam
  12. I buy most of my shit at Jim's too. I buy my pron on 134th though.
  13. allthumbs


    I think Aunt Bee has some Iaxxx in her bonnet. bwahaahaha
  14. allthumbs


    hahaha, shit, you're so flustered now you're double-posting. fag
  15. allthumbs


    I think you're into granny porn and are backpedaling.
  16. allthumbs


    why are you looking at an old lady iain?
  17. I want a stiff dick next to mine.
  18. I think it's related to the VELVET REACHAROUND
  19. the whole subject is lame have a pickle (kosher, of course)
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