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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. you're welcome, you plunger-pumping turd burglar.
  2. blow me, you pearl necklace-wearing, scrotum sucking, funk-ridden, retarded meat puppet
  3. that's prurient, numb nutZ nice catch...hahaha
  4. arlen, you're a shit-stained nancy boy
  5. allthumbs


    I think I heard Portland is getting freezing rain already.
  6. I don't give a shit about the supreme fucktard court. I'm talking about the double-standard around here. Drinking buddies unite - G-UNIT
  7. allthumbs


    3" snow and the goddamn state is crippled unbelievably lame
  8. typical double-standard, double-speak talk "not my dept."
  9. If I would've posted that ass picture you would've yanked it. Course I'm not a suck-up like some of you pilgrims.
  10. yeah that's fine, but i still don't think i flamed the fucka even when it wasn't in spray little touchy there bubba? bwahahahaha
  11. why for? it wasn't hostile. I pee on your headstone.
  12. I savor other's misfortune.
  13. The way I see it, we make our own beds.
  14. mrE, you gonorrhea-infested pubic louse
  15. up yours ade, you tea-baggin' swampdonkey
  16. which one of you kunts deleted my post, goddammit? who the fuk says I can only post to spray? cocksuckers!!!
  17. ms klenke = numero uno chicken-fucker
  18. allthumbs

    yo mama

    yur so ugly the last time you got a piece of ass was when your hand slipped through the toilet paper
  19. Addictive behavior seems to explain a lot of human behavior that has nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.
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