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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. or who has the biggest, baddest wiener
  2. Greg, you and Fleb should read this shit first.
  3. mtn. goat and j_b hahahaa
  4. I use these Dru, and I like to turn them inside out for my own pleasure
  5. Yeah, what Greg said, you goat wacker.
  6. yep, j_b is one dumb sumbeotch
  7. no iain, that snafflegram was worthy
  8. STFU Dru, I just fired a bong. Cut some slack
  9. Wow, I just stared at that snaffle pattern until your message jumped out at me. Very awesome dude, and yeah, I agree.
  10. What I found Dru is that the sweat transfers through my sock and is absorbed into the boot leather. When I take off the sock it's relatively dry. If it was soaking wet, I'd surmise that the boot was totally fucked up. My Scarpas breathe pretty well.
  11. That'd be assuming we could ferret it out among ten thousand other photos. Hmmmmm
  12. Well if he told y'all right off, how could he boost is post count?
  13. I'm a lover. Only my chub could hurt em.
  14. yeah, well I don't ski, so I'm more of a fair weather friend. i hate being cold.
  15. Re-read my post dumbass, I take it out on you. Eat balls asseyes, you're a pest.
  16. they're too stupid to be a threat
  17. Yeah baby! Heifers Rule...moo
  18. Greg, to be honest, I've completely gone to trail runners and very thin coolmax shortie sox for all backpacking and approach shit. Carry boots for the event. Unless it's wet and cold, and then I sit by the fire and drink brandy.
  19. Already given up eh PP?
  20. If you say so.
  21. Is that MOSES?
  22. I agree, who needs em? They're a second rate army anyway...just get in the way.
  23. That's just because France knows that we're going to war and doesn't want to look like the bad guy by not supporting the effort.
  24. You have a good point there. I am pretty damn boring. If I take out my daily hostilities on morons like you, I don't feel the need to yell at my kids or abuse the old blister.
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