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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. $5 - $20 doofus. It's worth it to me, I'm not made of money like you. oh btw, it took 3 minutes to do.
  2. so what's your reply Winter?
  3. hahaha, yo bad fda. It wasn't such a stretch to have a revolution back then. Hell, we were barely a country. Try that shit now brother and yo be a dead mofo in a heartbeat.
  4. damn, that sounds nasty
  5. We've come far from the days of the Boston Tea Party, grasshopper. It's not a viable option.
  6. Well there's your answer right there. Most Americans I know despise that type of behavior. Wonder how they'll stack up as someone's prison bitch?
  7. No DFA, people like that would be simple felons with an agenda. Totally different thing.
  8. allthumbs


    just holler, "Get the fuck outta the way or die!"
  9. As a responsible gun owner, I do not advocate violence unless threatened directly. If protest is the order of the day, let it be passive.
  10. Jon, I gave ya one star cause your Mamma's so nasty, I called her for phone sex and got an ear infection.
  11. It's all a front for his offshore operation.
  12. Isn't that what I just said, Professor?
  13. so it will be Cochise
  14. done deal slacker
  15. I'm totally for any alternative fuel. I'm sick and tired of the oil trump card. Lets's try something else and let the ragheads drown in their black gold.
  16. Yeah, he PM'ed me with threat of civil suit unless I sent him royalties for the use of his name. What a peckerhead. I'm getting Matt to represent me.
  17. Fukin-A. One month, one shower.
  18. Gotcha, I'll check to see if the Cato Institute is covering this blasphemy.
  19. Well, only once, and she said I was a much better lover than you, her husband.
  20. allthumbs


    I never said that moron. What I said, if you could read, was that boarders, skiiers, or even snowshoeers should get the hell off the main trail or run, if they want to sit around doing whatever. Jeez FDA, do I have to 'splain everythin to ya?
  21. What George says, goes, you cockbite. Get a clue odoriferous one.
  22. This topic is a little touchy, IMHO, because we love our big cars, trucks, SUVs we always have, YES myself included. We also know that our dependence on foreign oil has become an Achilles heel for the U.S. Personally I would love it if we could thumb our noses at the OPEC nations when they threaten to cutback on oil production. It would be great if we didn't have to police them so much to protect the flow of oil to our country. If we look at our trucks, the big gas and diesel trucks we know and love so well, they were designed to haul heavy loads, which they do admirably . They really weren't meant to be commuter vechicles and many use them for this purpose only. I didn't use my Expedition for commuting back when, I did my research and bought a cheaper Sub. Impreza. What's wrong with coming up with fossil fuel alternatives, why not work to make our cars more efficient? In the long run, what will be more important driving big inefficient vehicles thereby creating more dependency on foreign oil (and quite possibly fattening terrorist coffers) or driving smaller more efficient cars and being able to stick it to those who harbor and support terrorists. Stick to 'em where it hurts, in the pocket book. It's not a matter of what we deserve, whether we've earned the 'right' to drive a large expensive vehicle but the direct cost of operating the vehicle and the intangible costs too.... Kind of like wanting to have our cake and eat too.... This is not meant as a slam for or against anyone here, just trying to look at this from a different angle.
  23. allthumbs

    Bolt Clipper

    Don't bolt the coral.
  24. I hear ya outlaw. I cut for G&D Logging in Darrington for a few months back when I was young, dumb and full a' cum. Drove log truck too...that was a trip. Now I want someone licensed and insured in case of a fuckup.
  25. Exactly. If SC would slow down two seconds to read my post, he'd notice where I mentioned that these twin 100 ft'ers are within about two feet of my livingroom, and also very close to the neighbor's house. Our houses are packed in here at the beach. There's NO fucking place to just drop the fuckers or I'd do it myself (ex-logger). So go play with yo stiffy SC and come back with a better attitude. Tramp!
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