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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Toast, I agree with you, and have advocated the same. For $20 paltry dolla, one can have FF professionally clean da fart-sack. They can also make repairs or add goodies like collars and such. Money well spent in my book.
  2. your hole spews air, and i ain't talkin bout your mouth
  3. Throw the bitch out and buy a new one.
  4. bwahahaha
  5. Very cool, do you sell em? Also, I like that tile floor...gonna do something similar to my cabin kitchen floor someday. Those rugs look like they'd bunch up and shiz. Could you glue them to a solid backer to hold their shape, or what?
  6. Muffy, can you say, "spread eagle"?
  7. I think we should be able to smoke herb at the cc.com board meetings. Cigars too. And the women should take their rightful place, seated behind the men.
  8. round and round and round and round and round .... i'm dizzy
  9. I'm in favor of fee increases. MORE FEES, MORE FEES, MORE FEES
  10. Hey Cavey, FDA is making fun of you again. WTF?
  11. RAIDERS RULE, you manky Tampa fan. Prepare to be pillaged.
  12. they're inverted, trust me
  14. well warn everybody so they don't flip out or something
  15. minx, tell the truth. You weren't complaining when you were playin' the slobber blues on trask's meat whistle Fri. nite. Nice technique, btw.
  16. nope, not boats - marine insurance
  17. ERIK - YO, listen up Thor I have a on-line laptop, even at the show, which means I can harrass you wanks 24/7. I also don't start the show till 1:00 PM. I also don't work every day of the show. I'm sorry I couldn't make it Fri. nite...duty called. Hope you goobers had a good time.
  18. Most goddamn teachers think their shit don't stink. Protesting, Yugo-driving hippies. Sisu DOES NOT fall into this catagory though.
  19. No, SP's a consistent commie bastard, always in my face.
  20. ScottP = Socialist
  21. I, love, quarterback's eatin' dirt, pom poms & short skirts, Raiders givin' some hurt.
  22. A woman of my heart...27-17 3rd. quarter, Raiders.
  23. You putzes are goofy. Who cares about stars? Raiders Shine!
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