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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Human Shields

    MEMO To: Human Shield Re: Human Shield Morons, It has come to my attention that you are recruiting able-bodied males of reasonable mental capacity, between the ages of 18 and 65. Given these factors and your penchant for idiocy, may you and all your cohorts die a timely, bloody death at the hands of Dubya. Please report to the gates of Baghdad for your bullet. I thank you for selflessly giving yourself in the effort to eradicate morons and wankers. Sincerely, trask
  2. Okay, but should I invite my girlfiends too?
  4. sure your lil bean can reach that high? I've gotta kegger in my pants.
  5. Live and let live. Wear a gas mask foos.
  6. I'll fire up the barbie and bring lots of raingear.
  7. Yeah, I heard Dru recently had his sac pierced, and now clips his biner in it.
  8. They can do all they want. Just a bunch of pussies anyway because poeple like him are often someone's other board name and just as guilty as they accuse me to be for contributing their own trash. It's immediate hypocrisy for some. Cavey, this is exactly the thing that bugs me the most about the multi-avatar gig. When a regular around here has to resort to a new avatar when he/she feels like thrashing somebody, I call them a pussy. At least have enuf balls to use your regular avatar to bash and take your lumps where they fall. Pussy hiding pricks.
  9. Dru, did you read my post? I think Sisu made up his own mind, without his parents' interference. I also believe that most thinking adults make up their own minds concerning politics and religion. What are you ranting about?
  10. Y'all can have that cold shit. Send me 95 degrees and blazing sun please.
  11. Cavey, it seems odd to me that when a lurker "comes out" so to speak, the first thing some do is attack a "regular". Not a good way to get a Pube Club invite.
  12. He obviously agrees with his Republican parents. What's the big deal?
  13. allthumbs

    Human Shields

    stupid hippies adiós morons
  14. Shows what all that high-priced, name-brand crap is REALLY worth, doesn't it Allison.
  15. heh timmy, what happened to the photo gallery?
  16. Thank Gawd cause I'm.... Off the dope again My doc says no more smoking rope again And no more hangin’ with my reefer smokin’ friends Sure feels great to be off the dope again I can cope again No need to hide my breath with Scope again Remember things that I’d forgotten way back when Like showering and usin’ soap again Off the dope again No more buyin’ nickel bags along the hyway And to all my friends Don’t be passin’ great big doobies over my way At least till Friday I’m off the dope again I been smokin’ rope since Ike was in I might buy a house with all the cash that I don’t spend Sure is nice to be off the dope again I won’t be on that slippery slope again Just Kiddin'
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