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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. khamsin 50 is a girl's pack - designed for a woman's back; no wonder it fits you FDA.
  2. speak for yourself - sounds close to my lifestyle
  3. Bridgitte Bardot and French Ticklers
  4. Big ballz Ray - Put me on that list and I'll tell that embarrassing story about the time you and Fiona Flaps (or was it Belinda Butterfly?) engaged in the disgusting act of ...............................
  5. I hear there are lively smoke-free discussions at the Senior center.
  6. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    I welcome and embrace the gas with open arms. It has to smell better than the gas from your ass.
  7. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    Whatever Erik. Judging by the festive atmosphere depicted in those two pictures and the thoughtful, clear-thinkers holding the signs I guess I should feel comfortable and safe with my life in the hands of people like that? Not
  8. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    Just look at that crowd and tell me with a straight face that they're the voice of America.
  9. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    I came across an interesting clip of a guy interviewing war protesters at the rally in NYC last week. Maybe it was just biased editing, but I for one was startled by the disposition of and responses made by the interviewees. It seemed to be based more on Bush bashing than rational thought. Some of the responses were absolutely astounding, for example. When an elderly gentleman protester was asked if, "12 years of inspections wasn't enough, how much more time should they be given?" He simply discounted that as a "ridiculous question." As ChrisT said, I guess for many, the protests are just a gala event and hippie get together. Let's all be sure to take these people serious...bwahahaha http://brain-terminal.com/articles/video/peace-protest.html
  10. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    Even Bush, while shrilly claiming to not be impacted by the massive scale of the protests, has his aides looking at the energizing effect on the opposition (read "UN"). And, Blair is quietly seeking a way to de-escalate the rhetoric without losing face or being seen as weakening in his support of Bush. Although I support Bush, in a way I don't feel one bit sorry for him on this one. He went into this with no proactive foreign policy (remember his un-prophetic "I am a consensus-builder" campaign speeches?), no ability to build a coalition (Like his father did), and no plan. The reactive nature of his Administration is catching up with him. According to the AP wire, it's official: "A new Iraq war resolution will be offered to the U.N. Security Council this week or next, the White House said." Yep - now the bush team has decided it needs the U.N. - Who knew?
  11. Saw a quote yesterday, allegedly made by Rumsfield. I'm kinda suspicious that it might be a urban legend hoax, but I liked it nonetheless. "Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion."
  12. Well, it is finally apparent that Turkey's friendship is given to the highest bidder. They want money because the war might hurt their economy. Personally I think that falls into the "no shit" category. What really frosts my butt is the fact that they wait until now to suddenly up the price to double - which to me is extortion. It's as if they are saying - well it is too late for you to change your plan - so you need us - so the price just doubled. To them I say, the Pentagon always has another plan and while it may take some time to execute, we will keep something in the back of our minds ----- Kurdistan has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
  13. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    You're probably right about Iran. Isn't it ironic that not too many years ago we supported Saddam and the Iranians were the bad guys? Goddamn crazy chess game.
  14. allthumbs

    A little quiz

    290 military Iranians killed in a freak plane accident today. Shit happens Dwayner, even in non-wartime mode.
  15. Once again, I think it's time for the cc.com theme poem: Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew.
  16. Isn't she that blond whiny chick with the big ass?
  17. Canooks and Americans are essentially brothers. Except for Quebec bastards. Europeans live in a vacuum.
  18. If something's more than a paragraph I'm not reading the shit.
  19. the alcoholic WSU alumni would agree with you
  20. not ex-wife if that's what you mean
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