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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. that's pretty. got marshmellows?
  2. and we appreciate it yeah, yeah, you say that now, but in the bedroom it's "no, I gotta headache". just trying not to hurt your feewings w/my disappointment in your skills. well, it's a moot point as I'm worn out from my "session" at the Korean Spa anyway.
  3. Iain, you and Erik must be blowin buddies the way you're working over the quotes. Is it as good for you as Erik tells me it is for him?
  4. I plopped Martha on my skewer and spun her like a chicken
  5. Yeah, I got nuttin against guys that play the slobber blues on the old meat whistle as long as they don't hassle me.
  6. and we appreciate it yeah, yeah, you say that now, but in the bedroom it's "no, I gotta headache".
  7. I hear ya Chris...they're just a bunch of dirty pole smokers.
  8. Erik said: what is you are protesting the protester?? ih wait that is just pure physical violence!! viva la policia! wtf? come again
  9. I don't give a shit what you morons call me or say about me Bring it on!
  10. FDA is gay,gay,gay,gay,gay,gay,gay,erik's manchild,gay,gay
  11. maybe ChrisT was aboard giving awards....
  12. sorry sista, but trask is ALL man and only plays with the chicas. better play the buttpirate game with erik and FDA...they're totally qualified.
  13. stfu erik. don't hate me cause yur wimmin luv me. keep em coming.
  14. Catturd, YOU SUCK DONKEY DICKS quit acting like a bitch tool
  15. fags fags fags gags gags gags catturd=
  16. "turn out the lightssssss, the party's overrrrr" Real Americans' are tired of anarchists in this country. throw em' all in jail for life.
  17. oh burp- do you need a tissue? guess what- i actually put myself through the torture of reading this stupid thing you have posted. do you think i am so stupid? and even if it is someone who you know, so what. what it tells me she shouldn't be in the army in the first place. i could see someone who was drafted making points like that. but as far as i know nobody is forcing people to sign up for the service. so if you sing up and decide to do something don't bitch and complain about it. and what climbing has to do with the whole situation anyway ? matt- i tend to agree with your post. let's just hope next elections shrub monkey goes down the drain and the damage can still be somewhat undone. I'm ready for Gore...my computer is fucked up and he's the Guru
  18. FDA, it's okay that you're a fag. We've all known that from day one. I'm not into that crap but if you like it, that's okay by me.
  19. Good point. Stay single till your around 35.
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