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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Seems like a well thought out and executed operation. We need that in this state. I can think of a few varmints that need elimination.
  2. "burn them bellies with napalm jelly diddy wop strafe them gooks in the rice paddy daddy diddy wop"
  3. wasn't directed at you, griz at ML like she said, I'm entitled to my opinion
  4. the bigger challenge - find Osama what a bitch that's gonna be
  5. FuckinA, Merry Christmas everybody (almost), and may our troops come home soon.
  6. Why don't we all take 24 hours to just bask in the glow of his capture before denouncing the whole affair as a bullshit political move and spewing about the evil U.S. government. I figured it'd be you starting some shit marylou, as that seems to be your M.O. Fuck I hate you and every word that comes out of your cake hole. Go cry to Jon now, boohoo, trask is being mean to me. I'm sure you can manage to get me banned.
  7. Nice!! We can hardly wait to see it.
  8. I agree - hopefully, the start of our withdrawl.
  9. let the naysaying begin, starting with this ignorant comment
  10. allthumbs

    Got Money?

    What truth? I like hot saunas, motel rooms when traveling, dim lit bars, you know...civilization. This clild don't sleep in the dirt. I'm only here to pester you morons.
  11. Yeah, me too. I'm sure the Saddam capture will be laughed at and scoffed at by the liberal internet warriors that loiter at this website. Sisu, check this out when you have some time - The Failed Experiment: Gun Control and Public Safety in Canada, Australia, England and Wales Publication Date: November 2003 Author(s): Gary Mauser, Professor Email: \4 The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Executive Summary: Widely televised firearm murders in many countries during the 20th Century have spurred politicians to introduce restrictive gun laws. The politicians then promise that the new restrictions will reduce criminal violence and "create a safer society." It is time to pause and ask if gun laws actually do reduce criminal violence. Gun laws must be demonstrated to cut violent crime or gun control is no more than a hollow promise. What makes gun control so compelling for many is the belief that violent crime is driven by the availability of guns and, more importantly, that criminal violence in general may be reduced by limiting access to firearms. In this study, the author examines crime trends in Commonwealth countries that have recently introduced firearm regulations: i.e., Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. The widely ignored key to evaluating firearm regulations is to examine trends in total violent crime, not just firearms crime. Since firearms are only a small fraction of criminal violence, the public would not be safer if the new law could reduce firearm violence but had no effect on total criminal violence. The United States provides a valuable point of comparison for assessing crime rates because the criminal justice system there differs so drastically from those in Europe and the Commonwealth. Not only are criminal penalties typically more severe in the United States, often much more severe, but also conviction and incarceration rates are usually much higher. Perhaps the most striking difference is that qualified citizens in the United States can carry concealed handguns for self-defence. During the past few decades, more than 25 states in the United States passed laws allowing responsible citizens to carry concealed handguns. In 2003, there are 35 states where citizens can get such a permit. The upshot is that violent crime rates, and homicide rates in particular, have been falling in the United States. The drop in the American crime rate is even more impressive when compared with the rest of the world. Major conclusions: -England & Wales: Yet in the 1990s alone, the homicide rate jumped 50 percent, going from 10 per million in 1990 to 15 per million in 2000. While not yet as high as the US, in 2002 gun crime in England and Wales increased by 35 percent. This is the fourth consecutive year that gun crime has increased. Police statistics show that violent crime in general has increased since the late 1980s and since 1996 has been more serious than in the United States. -Australia: the total homicide rate, after having remained basically -flat from 1995 to 2001, has now begun climbing again. While violent crime is decreasing in the United States, it is increasing in Australia. Over the past six years, the overall rate of violent crime in Australia has been on the rise, for example, armed robberies have jumped 166 percent nationwide. The confiscation and destruction of legally owned firearms has cost Australian taxpayers at least $500 million. The cost of the police services bureaucracy, including the costly infrastructure of the gun registration system, has increased by $200 million since 1997. -Canada: Over the past decade, the rate of violent crime in Canada has increased while in the United States the violent crime rate has plummeted. The homicide rate is dropping faster in the US than in Canada. The Canadian experiment with firearm registration is becoming a farce says Mauser. The effort to register all firearms, which was originally claimed to cost only $2 million, has now been estimated by the Auditor General to top $1 billion. The final costs are unknown but, if the costs of enforcement are included, the total could easily reach $3 billion. I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning: it smells like... [sniff] freedom. That, and lower violent crime rates. Read the whole report here: http://www.fraserinstitute.ca/admin...dExperiment.pdf
  12. Sisu, this was posted by an internet buddy of mine, on another website I hang out at - Mission Accomplished It is a great day for the people of Iraq and the citizens of the world in addition to the members and families of our Armed Forces. This event has significance on so many levels. I recently spent 5 months in Iraq and took part in the attack on Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom. It is hard to explain how much of a grip on the country that Saddam had. That makes this capture so incredibly important. When we first crossed the border into Iraq and seized the Rumaliah oil fields, the people gave us mixed reactions to our presence. Most were happy we were there, but a majority reminded us of the trouble we caused when we pulled out after the last war. The Iraqis in the south were very afraid that we wouldn't finish the mission and were afraid that Saddam would come back. With reservations, they tolerated our presence. As we progressed up route 7 through Nasiriyah, As Swamah, and Al Hayy, the Iraqis were a bit more supportive of our presence. In each village that we stopped, we were given orders to take down any murals, posters, or likenesses of Saddam - but we were also ordered to encourage the village elders to do the destruction of those images. In these villages, the locals were happy for us to take down the images, but they were too afraid to do it themselves. The younger Iraqis were deathly afraid of "uncle Saddam" and that he would be back and know that they defaced his image. 35 years of terror and brutality certainly had a hold on the local populace. They were also afraid of informants and Baath party officials in their village collecting information on their activities. Even when we were in Baghdad when the regime fell, the jubilation and rejoicing went full force - but had a small bit of hesitation due to the "possibility" of Saddam returning. Now, that possibility is over!!! We have accomplished our mission. I lost two Marines in the battle for Nasiriyah and while this won't bring them back, it does lend purpose to their actions. Some in our media and our government will still not be satisfied and cling to the weapons of mass destruction issue. They will claim that we still haven't accomplished our mission. I am very disappointed by this view and opinion. I saw the terror and fear in the eyes and hearts of the Iraqis, I saw the mass graves that held tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens that had fallen out of favor with the government, I saw the opulent palaces that sat in the middle of single story mud huts, I saw the results of a regime that raped a country (literally and figuratively). I actually got reprimanded for answering a news reporter who pointedly implied that we failed when we didn't find weapons of mass destruction when I said "We removed the Baath party who terrorized, raped, and killed tens of thousands.... what more of a weapons of mass destruction do you want!" The news reports today have been focusing heavily on the Generals who carried out this mission. They certainly did a great job in bringing this search to an end. However, I will push my opinion that it is the troops on the ground who have been doing all of the hard work... They are the ones who have been sniped and bombed on a daily basis. They are the ones who have been sweating, bleeding, screaming, shooting, and crying every day and night throughout this search. My hat is off to the soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division who dug that cowardly son of a bitch out of his dirty hole!!!!!! God bless all of you this holiday season. God be with the souls of the men and women we lost in this fight. Watch over the men and women who are standing watch tonight and be with their families while they are gone. --In memory of my two fallen brothers: Sergeant Michael Bitz and Corporal Kemaphoom Chanawongse - Semper Fidelis boys we all miss you and love you. Semper Fidelis, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. layton, 2 words - sugar momma
  14. allthumbs

    Got Money?

    you outdoorsy types are becoming rather yuppified
  15. you're a drunken Paiute and are gonna die
  16. allthumbs

    duck and cover

    I'm heading south to hide in a sneaky spot, and I've got a full case of Smittys cans to throw at unsuspecting bicyclists. Hope you pantywaists are wearing helmets
  17. that's right - dwi's waiting to happen you people are losers another thing is you canadians are third world fugly. basically, there's a lot of whiners and dumb fuckers that post here. go jump in a pile of cow shit
  18. allthumbs

    Bizarre Story

    Jesus, yeah, the poor bastard is totally fucked in the head. Really a sad state of affairs. France - can you say 'fucked up country'?
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