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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. right dru, where do I sign up to have a life like yours?
  2. allthumbs


    Post deleted by trask
  3. hey nitwit, are you poking fun at me and cavey?
  4. but I'm a moron, don't socialize well with others, and seldom get laid
  5. 'Seattle can be thought of as a corporate brothel engaged in a continuing conspiracy to disinform and screw taxpayers and exploit children enrolled in one of America’s most bizarre school districts.'
  6. ... and as I slowly worked my finger down to her kootchie and playfully tweaked her G, there it was, that stray piece of toilet paper stuck to the side of her lip.
  7. fuck the injuns. they got their reservations and shit, and their wimmin are all professional bingo players and shit, and their casinos are keepin em afloat and shit. what more do they want? our white wimmin?
  8. and goddamn toilet paper pieces that stick to my whiskers and chest hair after I blow my nose
  9. do you think kids should graduate high school even if they fail the WASL test?
  10. and wazzup with those bubble butts anyway?
  11. I couldn't agree more, timm@y. Look for a small gratuity in the mail after Christmas to help out with the NEW, FASTER SERVER.
  12. allthumbs

    I ruined it

    sobo, it's Goof Off, by Guardsman. got some shit called XYLENE in it.
  13. why does this website run so fucking slow 95% of the time? Occasionally it 'pops along', but much more often it runs painfully slow. WTF??
  14. allthumbs

    I ruined it

    came out perfectly with Goof Off, which I just happened to have a can of. thanks for all the good advice though. I expected for everybody to flip me shit.
  15. no more plea bargains cut and dried justice hang 'em high
  16. How about punishment befitting the crime, rather than the plea bargains, payoffs, and under-the-table bullshit so in vogue these days? What a concept, eh?
  17. most judges are pedophiles, alcoholic, fagots, coke heads, and whore mongers show me a judge and i'll show you a corrupt kunt
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