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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. that belongs to jacko
  2. really? so does yours
  3. I lifted my dick a couple times today. Damn!! That bitch is HEAVY
  4. Hey Dru, havin any luck?
  5. I will agree that using these big beasts as daily drivers makes no sense. I just use my PU when I haul my boat, or lumber, or some shit like that. Normally, I drive a small car.
  6. Spoken from a guy without a pot to piss in ... not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. I call bullshit. Hot boats, trick trucks, sports cars, shit like that .... don't necessarily equate to 'penis power'. If a guy's got the money and the inclination to have toys like that, I say more power to him. The naysayers are just jealous. Shit, when I see a dude cruising' I-5 in a Ferrari, I don't think about his dick, I think what a lucky sum-bitch he is to have the coin for a ride like that.
  8. I see four of you fairys sucking Jons dick. Brown nose losers
  9. thank you for your input, Bob - not Oh, and I wouldn't draw the gun anyway. I was just excited 'cause I just got the grips in the mail about an hour ago. Figured I'd slip in a pic. in this thread and Veg & Greg, and a few others would appreciate it. Go fuck yourself in the ass, punter.
  10. I voted yes
  11. You're ignorant to the ways of the 1911A1. The ONLY proper method of carry is cocked and locked. John Browning designed it to be carried this way. Think I'm full of shit? Check it out via Google search. NEXT - Yes, I think you are full of shit. In the photo the gun is not being carried--its laying down. Whatever I'm not going to argue with someone over shit like this. I've been carrying and competitively shooting single action .45's for over 25 years. I think I'm qualified to say I know what the fuck I'm doing. Have a nice day, douche.
  12. You're ignorant to the ways of the 1911A1. The ONLY proper method of carry is cocked and locked. John Browning designed it to be carried this way. Think I'm full of shit? Check it out via Google search. NEXT -
  13. Hey Veggie & Greg, check out my new thin alumagrips on my gold combat. very sweet!!!
  14. Fuck that shit, Erik. Either I'm hurt or I'm not. I should've punched that fucker though.
  15. Yep – Was sitting at a stop light and I got run into from behind by some moron. He didn't hit me hard. Maybe 5 miles per hour or so. I threw my truck in park and jumped out. The gal I was with told me later as we pulled away, "You scared the shit outta me - I thought the way you jumped out of the truck you were going to kick his ass." This guy was still sitting in his car - I think he might have been afraid to move. I yelled at him to back the fuck up so I could check for damage. Messed his car up pretty good. Didn't even bend anything on my truck - he hit me square in the - yep - trailer hitch. Bent him and knocked paint off his car. Not even a scratch to my truck. Now ------- guess why the moron hit me? Because he was on A FUCKING CELL PHONE!!!! I did want to kick his ass - but when I took a good look at him I thought he was going to piss himself. I actually felt sorry for him. I must be getting soft. So I yelled at him for a few seconds about damned cell phones and then jumped back in my truck and drove off. Cell phone talkin' cock suckers. The next one dies!!!
  16. pussies
  17. the H2 always has and always will be a piece of shit- ESPECIALLY YELLOW anyone who'd buy one is either clueless, or a moron
  18. fatn'sassy
  19. that shit's pretty sexy - hi minx
  20. by age alone my friend; by age alone. no scott, sadly there's MUCH more similarity than you think. are you both the same simpleton?
  21. y'all know how I feel about the skank
  22. Hey shitstain Harpoon, Cracked and I have nothing in common. If he posts after me, that's his problem, not mine.
  23. Dave - Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't an 'idiot savant'. Most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read. There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet, or, better yet, suicide.
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