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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    I ruined it

    thanks, I'll try the simple green first, than the orange shit.
  2. catturd, you did a bad, bad thang
  3. allthumbs

    I ruined it

    How do I get bicycle grease out of a tan carpet? I've already spray n'washed and tried other shit. Now it's a brown smear. I don't want to throw the fucker out. Any home remedies, ladies or gents?
  4. Cattbird, I see you still believe in Santa.
  5. allthumbs

    Yukity yuk

    A pompous minister was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Idaho. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The cowboy asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink. He replied in disgust, "I'd rather be savagely raped by brazen whores than let liquor touch my lips." The cowboy then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too. I didn't know we had a choice."
  6. quote: December 9, 2003 -- Antiwar comedians raising campaign cash for Democrat Howard Dean last night blasted President Bush as a "piece of living, breathing s - - -" at an angry X-rated fund-raiser in New York. http://nypost.com/news/regionalnews/12972.htm Ho-Ho, hizownself, announced that he found the remarks "so 'offensive,' he almost refused to come out and speak at the fund-raiser, one of eight New York events that raised close to $2 million yesterday." He was bravely able to put his chagrin behind him long enough to pick up the $2M. I just love it when the leftists lose it.
  7. "He killed my son Mohammed and he tortured his people," 40-year-old Halem al-Jassen said as she celebrated in the street. "Thank God for the United States." So I guess some of them like us... Mostly people who lost loved ones under Saddam, I would imagine. Or at least those who can see the forest for the trees - more comments by me on this a little later in this post. In the Kurdish city of Kirkuk in the north, eight people were killed and 80 wounded from gunfire during celebrations of Saddam's capture. What a bunch of morons. Didn't they learn about Isaac Newton?? Safa al-Douri, a 36-year-old grocery store owner in Adwar, the town where Saddam was captured late Saturday, said it was too painful to watch the video. I could not stand looking at him. When I heard the news of his arrest it was as though somebody told me my father had died," he said. "But when I saw his face, it was even worse." Suck it up, bud. Obviously either a Baath party member, a Sunni, or just an idiot. Ayet Bassem, who wore the traditional black cloak of religious Muslim women, was overcome with relief. "Things will be better for my son," she said, clutching the hand of 6-year-old Zenalbadin. "My son now has a future." Another interesting comment. At Baghdad's Palestine hotel, where foreign journalists and American contract workers are staying, Abil Daoud was sad. "We lost our only hope and now we are stuck with the Americans," said Daoud, who is employed by U.S. troops as a security guard. Some one needs to review this boy's employment as a FREAKIN SECURITY GUARD!!! What the hell is that all about? Among them was YWHA Hassan. "I'm very happy. Now we can start a new beginning." More notes of hope! Outside the capital, in places such as Mosul, where attacks on Americans have been particularly intense over the past two months, Noha Fakhri wanted to cry. "I love Saddam," she said. "I had hope that he might return to power, but now I know he won't." No shit, Sherlock. Another Sunni? Fearful for her own fate now that Saddam is in the can? What is it with these people? They never cease to amaze me. And the Palestinians today stated that we should have not treated Saddam in such a dehumanizing way by showing video of his medical exam. What about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that he had no problem killing and dehumanizing? Oh - perhaps it was because it was done in private? I cannot understand the hatred of Israel and the United States among these people who show a blind eye to one of their own kind - whatever he does is OK. Whatever we do is not. These people have brought their own misery down on themselves, and until they realize that, and start practicing their true religion and not that of some radical with an agenda, they will continue to live in squalor and oppression. That is what I most fear.
  8. With the ever-spiraling cost of health care and medication, I wonder if we won't be seeing more of this type of thing with the chronically ill. I'm for it; especially when it's my time.
  9. I'm gonna see if timm@y will set my post count to 0, or better yet, eliminate it altogether. Dru, you can be the exalted post-whore ruler.
  10. looks like 43 more posts to me. i guess the syph is starting to corrode your brain? Shit!! you're right mommy
  11. I never said he wasn't intelligent or a good mastur-debater. I just can't stand his politics and ideas. Besides, my dick is bigger than his, and in the end, that's what REALLY counts.
  12. Jesus christ, three more posts and I'm at 15,000. Thank god, Dru has more than me.
  13. Tell Sexy I miss thrashing on his dumb ass. He should come back for more frisky frolics and abuse. Merry Christmas Sexy!!
  14. I went shopping today for my kids and 'yo mama' and ended up buying myself a nice gift. Just curious if I'm the only pilgrim that luxuriates in self-indulgence?
  15. You don't think eliminating Saddam is an accomplishment?
  16. allthumbs

    hello fukkas

    hey hey mama, way ya shake 'em boos wanna lick yo crack, wanna fill yo groove oops, sorry, you were saying?
  17. allthumbs

    hello fukkas

    I got nine lives, cat's eyes, each and evry one of them is wondrin why, cause I'm back! Mama, I'm Back!
  18. I'm inclined to agree. I hope we pull out of that country real damn soon. I'm afraid we'll never change things in the Middle East. Was good to get SH though, that rotten bastard.
  19. I have to say that the President's speech yesterday was both finely worded and delivered without a smirk--I applaud him for both.
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