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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Fagass - Your incoherent babbling has reached its zenith. I'll let you have this last word if you guarantee it will be your last.
  2. it was gay then, as it is now
  3. I'm talking about useless dregs on society. Old folks are exempt.
  4. Fegas, you're a moron. Get a gun, put it to your head, pull trigger. Thank you.
  5. DFA, why not climb down off your high horse for one minute and really think about what you're saying. Goddamn dude, join society allready.
  6. allthumbs

    Works for me

    now that you mention it, does look like her doesn't it? .... and you know Fern, always giving it 110%
  7. young people today are weak and clueless and they wonder why they get no respect-
  8. allthumbs


    I WAS going to post a joke, but you bitches probably wouldn't appreciate it. Go piss up your ropes ^
  9. Throw some of these on the bbq for some good eats!!! The nitty gritty You can marinate the bird with whatever you normally like on Chicken. I’ve used marinades as well as rubs (yeah, go rub your chicken). Normally I will use a little lemon juice and some Topatio sauce as the base and then just sprinkle on cumin, pepper and such as the mood dictates. Whatever turns you on. The cooking is the secret! I use the big Fosters Oil Cans for stability. I normal drink the Fosters and then fill the cans about 2/3 full with staple beer like Coors Light. I also slice open a Jalapeño and drop it in the can as well (again the seasonings are an individual thing ). When you're ready to cook I place the can in the sink and then spread that birds ass and slide it down on the can. You should be able to get it down to the point where the legs just touch the grill. Go slow cause I have crushed a couple cans if I go to fast or have had a few. You want indirect heat while cooking them. If I am doing just one or two I will only light the right side of the grill and place the birds on the left side. I turn them ¼ turn every half hour. If I am cooking more than just a couple I will place foil on the grill and turn up the edges to make a pan type set up (disposable cooking sheets work too but I have yet to try them). Then I place the birds on the foil and turn as needed, if needed. I cook on low heat for 2 hours. Giving me time to get cooked as well. P.S. I've found that if I fuck the chickens before mounting them on the cans, well... it makes them fit better ! Bwahahaha
  10. Bring Kiss and ZZ Top to Beck's bolero.
  11. It's an example of how a semi-scientific reason can get codified into religious dogma and remain so even when the original reason is forgotten. Pork carries with it the possibility of trichinosis when undercooked, so it would have been a sensible "taboo" to institute for the good of a primitive people. Now, it's just a vestigial of an old taboo long forgotten for it's source. Lean pork is actually a better food source than beef because it is lower in fat and has less cholesterol. How many of you chodes abstain from pork for some goofy religious reason?
  12. I stopped just before a stoplight yesterday about 3:30 in a very busy intersection in a nice part of a pretty good-sized city, when the doofus in front of me decided to do something really stupid--piratically turn completely around in the middle of about a eight or nine lane highway/intersection. While I am stopped waiting for them to get out of the way, some guy comes up behind me and hits me. Hard enough to scare me, but not hard enough to really hurt my car. I immediately pick up my phone and call 911. I am watching the guy in my rearview mirror and when he gets out of the car he puts his left hand in his pocket like he is trying to hide something. I reach for my Glock. I have it ready before he gets to my door, but hidden down behind my leg where he can't see it. I am a single blonde (some would automatically assume that makes me stupid...) female driving a current model car. Yet, I don't assume nothing at this point. After all it is raining, and he could have just slid on the wet asphalt. The guy asks me if I am ok. I tell him yes, he mainly scared me. He comes closer. I tell him to "back away from the car." He says that I need to get out and look at the car, that he has really messed up the rear end. I tell him later. He insists I look right then since I "have got to fix it right now". I tell him that I don't exactly have a body shop with me nor can I fix it, so I am not concerned until I get an estimate about that since I know insurance will cover it. He comes closer and I tell him to "back away from the car" again. Well, he then tells me that he will get me his insurance info only if I get out and come back to his car. I tell him that he can go get it himself and bring it back to me. I repeat my warning to back away from the car. He looks at me stupidly. I ask him "do you understand what back away from the car means?" He takes a few steps back and calls somebody. I crack the back window enough I can hear him agitatedly telling them "No,no, I can't do that." Then, "No, that won't work." And finally, "No, I don't think she will do that" followed by "I don't think I can" while he is dancing around. Well, while he is on the phone I call back to 911 and tell them that he keeps trying to get me out of the car. The female dispatcher immediately tells me not to get out (like I would!!) no matter what and to run if I need to. She asks if I have a way to defend myself. I tell her that I do have a permit and I already have the gun out. She tells me to not to hesitate to protect myself. He comes back and walks almost right up to the window. I start to raise my gun and tell him to "back away from the car". He comes closer and I tell him, "You really need to back away from this car right now before I feel like I have to protect myself. Do you understand?" He looks at me, quickly takes a couple steps backwards and tells me that he is moving his car off the road into an adjacent parking lot. I tell him "Fine. Then you need to stay in your car until the police arrive. Do you understand?" He says, "You called the police?" I tell him yes, twice. He hauls butt to the car and runs. The last I saw of him was his taillights under the red light he ran. I feel like he had intentions of carjacking me, but he was either unsure of himself/inexperienced or I surprised him when he got close enough to see a 6-D cell MagLite in my lap and me obviously hiding something else behind my leg. He never did take his left hand out of the pocket. When he was dialing, it was more than obvious that he was left handed but he kept fumbling with his right hand only. I believe he had a weapon of some sort in there, most likely a small gun.
  13. Ronald Reagan was the last national figure who was at least somewhat successful in articulating a conservative message. Our problem, IMO, is one of communication. Unfortunately, I don't see anyone on the national radar screen currently in politics who can do it. Right now, the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. That's the only thing that the Republican Party has going for it today. I don't worry so much about 2004 as I do 2008. The Republican Party had damn well better start articulating a message and look for someone who can get it across to the public. Believe me, if you thought the first Clinton presidency was fun, Clinton II will be a real treat.
  14. "fuck, another walmart shopper gone wild"
  15. harry pi, eat shit and die twist your dick till it makes you cry
  16. allthumbs

    Gay Marriage

    I see she was "workin' it" in that photo. you bad, bad boy.
  17. allthumbs

    Gay Marriage

    Erik, will you be attending with Stella, the Ewe?
  18. I used that for an avatar pic and got a nasty-gram from Lambone. I hoisted it from my trailer park Some people have no sense of humor. Dwayner screw lamebone, he was upset because you posted that picture of his brother
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