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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. and your fat ass has a littering ticket on it that's mean - take it back
  2. My flying cans of Budwiser have bicyclist's names on them. Bwahahaha Lance Armstrong is a fag
  3. hey j-b Sig Heil
  4. Goddamn bicyclists are a scourge. All bicyclists can kiss my fine ass.
  5. "Yes, I invented the internet" - Al Gore
  6. allthumbs

    Cool Story

    another goddamn urban legend, eh Cheesehead?
  7. allthumbs

    free at last

    Fuckin A Clasic, Timmy How true it is
  8. count me in, Numbnuts
  9. allthumbs

    figured out

    Thanks Erik, I always wondered what chicken-shit, horse-shit and bullshit would smell like if it was all mixed together in one post. Now I know.
  10. With the garnish, it's your preference. Olives if you're feeling gamey, lemon twists if you're feeling virtuous. I recommend green Spanish olives without red pimientos inside. An interesting thing you can do in making a traditional martini is to marinate the olives in vermouth instead of pouring the vermouth directly in the mixer. For lemon twists, prepare them like this: cut the ends off a lemon and use a spoon to push the fruit out from the peel. Then cut the empty lemon peel lengthwise into thin strips about a quarter-inch thick. Put these aside to chill.
  11. later choads, I'm goin waterskiin'
  12. allthumbs


    Some of you guys need to get out this weekend, hit a strip club and a casino. Maybe the local eastside meat market. I dunno. I'm worried about some of ya.
  13. hey erik
  14. lick me, bitch
  15. see y'all later
  16. btw muffy, how goes the new job? shut up erik, you know timmy and jon gave me the power.
  17. You'll be on your lips, girl. Some pervert like me will come along and have his way wit'cha.
  18. One Bombay Sapphire Martini, extra dry, straight up, stirred, with a twist. If your martini glass isn't chilled, you'll have to chill it quick. Let it stand filled with crushed ice and soda water while you prepare your martini. Here's a neat trick to see if your glass is really chilled enough: take a lemon strip that you prepared earlier, and twist one in the middle of an empty, chilled glass. If the lemon juice starts to creep up the sides of the glass, it's ready. Put about 3-4 rocks in your mixer and pour in a dash of vermouth and swish it around. And since we're making an extra dry martini, cage the mixer with the strainer and pour out the excess vermouth. Next, pour in 3 ounces of Sapphire. If you're not comfortable with speedpouring, use a jigger (pour in 2 jiggers full). Now, very slowly and carefully stir the mixture around with a mixing spoon, being careful not to break the ice. Stir for about 30 seconds or until you feel the coldness freezing the outside of the shaker. Cage your mixer and strain the concoction into your chilled martini glass. Drop in the lemon twist and sip away in blissful ecstasy. - trask
  19. I reinstated myself. But yes, I'm banned daily now.
  20. feeble retort, you buttcrease
  21. All groupies must bow down in the sacred presence of Trask's Latex Solar Beef.
  22. allthumbs

    The DEVIL

    With the recent terrorist acts and the evil we see happening, the question is often asked, "What part is Satan playing in all this?" Is the devil busily at work?
  23. allthumbs

    The Hunted

  24. allthumbs


    Ladies- I got the thing you need I am endowed beyound your wildest Clearasil-spattered fantasies Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah . . .
  25. allthumbs

    The Hunted

    Enlighten me, choad. What's the "hunted", a new tv show?
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