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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I like drinking clean, clear water.....I use a MSR filter and have yet to be sick. I figure if I can't handle an additional 13 ounces of filter in my pack, I'd better give up the mountains for the rocking chair. I will say I've never been sick from eating pussy or rimming her asshole. Whatever. Trask - member in good standing of both the Mile High Club and the Red Wing Club.
  2. I doubt that will happen, but if it does, thankfully I'll be long dead and gone. Grow some balls pussy.
  3. allthumbs

    I hate my job!

    get her drunk and eat her pussy problem solved
  4. yeah necroshithead, your spray sux anymore. you suck worse though go kill yourself
  5. allthumbs


    Divorce is good sometimes. Being single after 40 has it's advantages, for sure. My suggestion is a couple three deaf-dumb girlfriends or a cheating wife or two. This plan allows total freedom to pursue the important shit when you're not scroggin.
  6. allthumbs


    Fagass, rimmer of skunk anus, using cc.com to find girlfriends is like using a psychiatric ward as a dating agency. If you wish to date girls who wear latex lederhosen; have a phobia of soap and water; the appearance, weight and personality of a diseased swamp hog; a pathological hatred of men, and have 'PROPERTY OF BERLIN AUFHAUS PSYCHIATRIC UNIT' stencilled on their backs, go ahead. If not, avoid the dismal practice.
  7. Necro- You baboon-raping Bashi-bazouk, while it is apparent that English is not your first language, it is less apparent that you actually have a first language (grunts and farts don't qualify). I concur that you would "probably make a fool out of yourself if you spoke; and ergo, the practice is best avoided. You should also desist from typing, as that produces the same result. Now, to the matter of your sexual repulsiveness: what you need is a woman with communication and intellectual abilities equal to your own - one who speaks in tongues and has a habit of zapping her frontal lobe with 500 volts of electricity. Eugene is the best place to find such a woman. Failing that, I suggest you invest a Welfare check in an inflatable girlfriend. They can be quite realistic - especially if you line the vagina with slices of warm pork and glue hair clippings around the opening. Either option is preferable to your current practice of dressing your Action Man toy in little bikini thongs, while contemplating the nature of involuntary solitude. - Trask
  8. allthumbs


    She just told ya that so ya wouldn't throw her fugly ass out. BTW, she's loose as hell now, isn't she? Bwahahahaha
  9. allthumbs


    Hey Jim - I fucked your old lady a couple weeks back while you were out climbing with other chicks. She tell ya yet? She sucked and she needs to douche.
  10. I like this list. I want a double cheeseburger and a cold beer.
  11. allthumbs


    marriage is best left to married people I ain't into it
  12. allthumbs


    She's waiting with open arms and legs. Why aren't you fighting fires? They just brought in some hotshot wankers from LA.
  13. screw you erik. what is that avatar anyway? your butt plug?
  14. I'm tired of your obscene PMs about bizarre sexual shit. You're a sick motherfucker and should be in prison where Tyree could give you the attention you obviously desire. You know who you are, bitch.
  15. Prove that you're worthy.
  16. I'm horny, how 'bout I drive down for a blow job?
  17. Glacier National Park, Mt. Freaky around here...the park is burning. Bluff charged by a Griz yesterday...shit my pants. Drinking heavily in Kalispell with the rednecks...I fit right in. Oh, almost forgot - FUCK ALL YOU FAGGOTS AND LESBIANS ... you're all useless pieces of shit and moose drool.
  18. allthumbs


    There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.
  19. allthumbs


    Checking in from Big Sky country - Hello 'dare ladies and fags. Marriage is a good thing; I've always enjoyed other guy's wives.
  20. allthumbs


    Minx, sorry to hear of your troubles. I wish you the best in all your endeavors. Your adoring fan, trask.
  21. why sugar coat it? whatcha tryin to say?
  22. Sorry AlpineK, I knew I'd forget a few in the heat of the moment. You're now on the list.
  23. Sorry Charlie, you're now on the list.
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