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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. stay away I say as soon as he divorces the French cloven hoof he's with, he'll be singin' another tune...mark my words
  2. BERLIN (Reuters) - Hollywood star Johnny Depp said on Wednesday the United States was a stupid, aggressive puppy and he would not live there until the political climate changed. The 40-year-old actor, who stars in the "Pirates of the Caribbean," told the German news magazine Stern he was happier staying in the south of France with his wife, the French actress and singer Vanessa Paradise, and their two children. "America is dumb, it's like a dumb puppy that has big teeth that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," he said. "My daughter is four, my boy is one. I'd like them to see America as a toy, a broken toy. Investigate it a little, check it out, get this feeling and then get out," said the star of the off-beat films "Edward Scissorhands" and "Dead Man." Depp slammed George W. Bush's administration for its criticism of French opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq. "I was ecstatic they re-named 'French Fries' as 'Freedom Fries'. Grown men and women in positions of power in the U.S. government showing themselves as idiots," he told Stern. I'd give anything to have my money back for watching this clown puncher in his latest gay film. I should've known not to ever trust an actor; especially one that looks and acts like a fag boy anal buccaneer.
  3. I'm the only reliable person on this site. I'll teach you everything you need to know. You'll no longer be a climbing cherry.
  4. Hey RuMR, no name calling
  5. meaning, "I'm a pig with an attitude and can't get a date".
  6. erik tried to put his finger in ..... oh, nevermind
  7. I'm not a "Bush Hater", just an American that has a fondness for the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights of which this current administration has trashed. Soon however, the impact of what the Shrub has unleashed will become self evident even by those that I now call the new Tories. Consider now that the reconstruction of Iraq will eventually fail due to deficit spending. Robbing Social Security to pay for this quagmire will quickly drain this program leaving either our elderly in dire straights, or the fiscal gutting out of other programs to keep it shored up.... So, I'm not sorry to say in the least to all those misguided American Tories, I'm not voting for your king.
  8. pigs get no respect - what'd ya expect?
  9. Minx, you and Allison should hang out together. You're both accident prone, so maybe you'd have other things in common too. Ya think?
  10. Eric, are you so starved for attention that you have to drum up this kind of shit? Get a life loser.
  11. You get an erection when you shit too??? No, why, do you? You probably play with your turd. Only when they look like you. I've got quite a collection of Trask shit-figurines did you fire them in your kiln?
  12. You get an erection when you shit too??? No, why, do you? You probably play with your turd.
  13. allthumbs

    Hey !!

    Not really, but your spewage sucks and needs to head for the crapper.
  14. Hey Necro, I took a nice shit this morning and immediately thought of you.
  15. hahaha, erik doesn't have time to climb. he's too busy with his cc.com job
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