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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. evidently music cd sales are down 1/3 due to free music downloading. no wonder the music industry is up in arms. money talks.
  2. no, and I've heard the same for awhile now too. last nite on king 5 news they said a local seattle guy is now being sued. i guess it's finally happening.
  3. Music copywriter pirates are now getting sued. Up to $150,000 per song. The music industry is given violators names from the ISP's. Download at your own risk.
  4. Uh oh, he'll bitchslap you for that one. yup he's a dead man
  5. Yeah, aren't we supposed to get some payback for liberating those Iraqi choads? I want free gas for a couple years.
  6. Greg, don't forget about the interest on the $87 billion Bush is borrowing. Can you imagine the total outlay? Scarry shit bubba.
  7. greg, brutha, in fairness I must say I've missed two or three PC's over the years. klenke is drunk...hell he's bought me more beers than he'd like to hear about.
  8. download a translator from Google, and convert it from spanish to english
  9. allthumbs


    go wash the LSD off your fingernails, put a bullet in Teddy, and rejoin society before it's too late and we see you standing on a street corner pissing your pants and wearing Kevlar falsies.
  10. you're a fucking liar klenke, i was in attendance last week
  11. the $87 billion isn't enough either. try another $40-50 billion before it's all said and done. just think, we could have had health care for every person in this country for that amount of money. you can kiss social security and some other programs goodbye. vote no to bush in 04
  12. allthumbs


    Beck, Stop!!! You're embarrassing yourself and people are laughing at you and they think you're pathetic. You're making it worse and worse. It's obvious you're drinking heavily too, as you normal tight train of thought and eloquent writing style is in the crapper. Keep this up and your only friends will be Larry the Tool and Jiminy Cricket the Lieutenant Governor.
  13. you lookin for a man or something? there's lotsa young guns around here.
  14. I was the kicker, gimp, not the kickee
  15. Loud, shiny, and ridden by men in leather and sunglasses? Uh, that may fall within the realm of sharing too much. my dick is a Harley, ya kick it to start
  16. Probably too much chicken, hamburgers, bacon and eggs, and not enough healthy soup. fat gut =lacka nookie so that explains why you're always so cranky i like mine on the extra lean side but nothing wrong with a little plump and cuddly I'm slightly on the plump and cuddly side although no one ever accused me of a lacka nookie. My dick is a Harley. and your hand is full of grease. thanks i'll stick with my lean and hard man Please do, you gamey science waifs ain't my type anyway. I prefer a real woman with some shape and spectacular tits. One that'll put her mouth where it belongs rather than flappin' her gums all the time.
  17. Probably too much chicken, hamburgers, bacon and eggs, and not enough healthy soup. fat gut =lacka nookie so that explains why you're always so cranky i like mine on the extra lean side but nothing wrong with a little plump and cuddly I'm slightly on the plump and cuddly side although no one ever accused me of a lacka nookie. My dick is a Harley.
  18. Probably too much chicken, hamburgers, bacon and eggs, and not enough healthy soup. fat gut =lacka nookie
  19. allthumbs


    show me the love - NOT
  20. I've spent my last dollar at the theater. Fuck these overpaid, under-talented ass zits.
  21. "nope, I'm not gonna say it...."
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