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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Jonathan Pryce in one of his better roles. Two scenes stand out in my mind: The one where he's in that thin-ass office and he's sharing the desk with the guy through the wall. Classic tug-of-war. And the one where the boss guy is speeding through the office halls with his entourage in tow. That idea has been copied many many times in commercials.
  2. What movie was that where the guy had to have that special form where he needed form number 15 stroke 6 backslash 8 stroke backslash..ad nauseum? It might have been Brazil. Or maybe it was a Monty Python skit.
  3. As I said in the Timothy O'Neill thread, she's probably a reject of The Daily staff.
  4. Well, I see nothing has changed since I left U-Dub 8 years ago. All those people you had to deal with are probably rejects from The Daily staff.
  5. Murraysovereign did not win this argument. He won another argument altogether: Trask used the word rude, the antonym of polite. Murray transformed rude to "roughing up." Rude and roughing up are not the same thing at all. One can be rude and not rough up. This type of alteration of a comment (changing or redirecting the original intent of the comment to fit your own argument) is the type of thing that so often happens on this website that it is hard to carry on cogent, logical arguments with others. I am guilty of redirecting like this too, but I try to be level-headed most of the time.
  6. Agreed. The 1977 movie Short Eyes dealt with this subject quite effectively.
  7. Come on, Gary. Is it 2 x $8 or just $8?
  8. It was a balloon, ribbon and all. Picture says it was a balloon right in the caption.
  9. So there I was sitting on the summit of Mt. Defiance minding my own business when in my upper periphery I caught sight of something large and dark. As I inclined my eyes upwards I figured it was an eagle soaring overhead. Focusing on the object, I saw it wasn't an eagle at all. Nope, it was something entirely more out of place in the mountains. When I first saw it, it was about 100 feet above me and slightly out in front of me. It plummeted slowly to the ground. I rushed to get my camera out in time to photograph it. Blast! It's too small to effectively focus on with autofocus. Hurry! Hurry up and set the camera to manual focus. Quick! It's going to fall below the horizontal skyline and no longer be visible....CLICK!...snapped the photo just in time though it didn't come out as well as I had hoped. What was it?
  10. Shameless chestbeat story: When I was in the fifth grade living on an American base over in England, we still had to do the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. At any rate, I was a real skinny kid back then (some say I still am). So, you'd think military brats would be in shape. Well, when it was time to do the pull ups test, all the bully-type kids who always thought they were hot stuff would make for the bar and, hanging there, barely manage to eke out one measly pull up. Often, they couldn't even do one. So, up steps me and with will power like no other, I knock out.... .....five. There's an epilogue (actually two) to the story but it would entail even more chestbeating, so I'll spare you that.
  11. Hey Snot White, what part of the word "like" doesn't make sense to you? It looks "like" the Alabama Hills. How much "like" is a matter of opinion. Like, totally dude. Like like...
  12. Hmmm, practice what you preach. I'm ready for ya. Bring it on. Sticks and stones...
  13. That looks like the Alabama Hills just outside of Lone Pine, CA. That is where a ton of the old Westerns were filmed. The Alabama Hills are a dimunitive High Sierra--they born in the same way but whereas the High Sierra rose and rose, the Alabama Hills never did.
  14. $500 seems more appropriate. $1000 seems too steep to me--especially given that this is really a scheme to generate more revenue so they can create a meth strike team and hire more officers (things which have nothing to do with the source of the funds: helicopter rescuees). But then, reading the article, it kind of hints that the alarm system fee would be where the money would come from for the meth strike teams. So, who knows.
  15. Schize! Will there be anything left of Mt. Ross when this winter is all said and done? Did someone spite the Ross family name and now old James Ross is turning in his grave (hint: he's buried in a tomb there in Newhalem)?
  16. Okay, how 'bout this: a long heavy-duty chain strung between two trees and reinforced in such a way that they can't remove it. The chain would block the way out. Of course, this screws up anyone else trying to leave. Or maybe a rented backhoe kind of vehicle to block the way. Just brainstorming here.
  17. Disable the thieves' getaway cars (slash tires, etc.). That'll keep 'em around, given that Exit 38 is more than a couple miles from civilization (it's 5 miles from Tanner). They'd stick out like a sore thumb hoofin' it down I-90. Easy to pick up by the fuzz.
  18. My question is: why take a picture of a bunch of gumbies walking along a road? What's the point of it?
  19. Beck on the left; AlpineK on the right; Mattp between them ready to offer his attorney services. Squid at bottom left keeping an eye on the new climbing gym he manages; ForrestM above him looking where he shouldn't be looking; Alpinfox practicing his ice tool swinging technique in the back.
  20. 2) Quantity over quality wins out every time. Must change this way of thinking.
  21. > > 1972 and 2002--What a Difference 30 Years Makes > > > > 1972: Long hair > > 2002: Longing for hair > > > > 1972: The perfect high > > 2002: The perfect high yield mutual fund > > > > 1972: KEG > > 2002: EKG > > > > 1972: Acid rock > > 2002: Acid reflux > > > > 1972: Moving to California because it's cool > > 2002: Moving to California because it's warm > > > > 1972: Growing pot > > 2002: Growing pot belly > > > > 1972: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor > > 2002: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor > > > > 1972: Seeds and stems > > 2002: Roughage > > > > 1972: Popping pills, smoking joints > > 2002: Popping joints > > > > 1972: Killer weed > > 2002: Weed killer > > > > 1972: Hoping for a BMW > > 2002: Hoping for a BM > > > > 1972: The Grateful Dead > > 2002: Dr. Kevorkian > > > > 1972: Going to a new, hip joint > > 2002: Receiving a new hip joint > > > > 1972: Rolling Stones > > 2002: Kidney Stones > > > > 1972: Being called into the principal's office > > 2002: Calling the principal's office > > > > 1972: Screw the system > > 2002: Upgrade the system > > > > 1972: Disco > > 2002: Costco > > > > 1972: Parents begging you to get your hair cut > > 2002: Children begging you to get their heads shaved > > > > 1972: Taking acid > > 2002: Taking antacid > > > > 1972: Passing the drivers' test > > 2002: Passing the vision test > > > > 1972: Whatever > > 2002: Depends
  22. klenke

    Holy Shit

    Actually there's next to no vegetation at the place just big concrete slabs and some astroturf out front. Ah, the concrete jungle. Got any tools to clear that kind of boscage?
  23. klenke

    Holy Shit

    Congrats, Kurt. I'm sure a house-warming party will be in order in the near future. First project: that climbing wall you've always wanted. BTW, let me know if you need to clear some foliage out of your yard. I know this really great arborist. He's kind of expensive 'n stuff...and he don't like tods of English Ivy or Araucaria araucana, but he drinks a mean .
  24. Grasp base of bottle firmly. Bring it to bear at the edge of a table or kitchen counter. Make a hard smack of bottle neck on said edge. Bottle will now be open. The trick is to enact a break high enough up the neck so as to minimize the loss of the sumptuous liquid inside.
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