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Everything posted by klenke

  1. klenke

    Dru you're..

    The problem here, Dru, is that the aliens are probably searching for signs of intelligent life, so don't bother.
  2. Oh, the most mispronounced PNW word has got to be Methow. It's Met-ow (silent aitch), not Meth-ow. I know the correct way but I still have a hard time with it. The right way is not intuitive.
  3. Fresh snow does not equal iciness, at least not from my experiences at this time of year. It may be slippery but not icy. Semantics I guess. Usually the fresh snow you simply trudge through...wump wump wump.
  4. On Monday near the summit of Buckner there were some patches of leftover fresh snow. You could possibly find some of that on shaded surfaces near the summit of Jack. But other than that, there's no iciness to be worried about. There may be some snow whales clinging to slopes and ledges but these will be easily circumambulated. The peak's South Face and final ridge traverse is on bare rock.
  5. A view of Overcoat from Chimney (taken July 27, 2004). Really cool looking vertical faulting:
  6. Pretty soon they'll have turnstyles at the base of each rock climb. You want to climb The Nose, you must wave your "Climb Club Card" into the slot and climb through the turnstyle.
  7. Don't forget to add Clinton to that list...and quite a few other democrat politicians. I think you know it's a little shortsighted to only list republicans as having been war avoiders (conscientious objectors, etc.).
  8. Well it would have been nice had the dems produced (nominated) a dominating challenger. As it is, the dems hoisted Kerry onto their shoulders and look where it has got them: a 50-50 vote percentage (based on current polls). The dems had 4 years to cuddle and coddle their savior amid their ranks and foist him into their fore, but all they could manage was Kerry. Aren't there any Kennedys or Roosevelts in the dems' midst? I guess not, just a bunch of Carters (who was a lame President but has been an outstanding pseudo-public servant since then).
  9. Both candidates are poopiepants, as far as I'm concerned. And Nader, well he's just the nadir.
  10. Doug said, "The faction who is questioning the military record of the other facton's party has a candidate who has no appreciable military service." Then there's this. So you tell me. Ohhhh the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all election year long.
  11. Thanks, Stonehead. I'll check in to this.
  12. Larry, you're all wet. I've climbed lots of little peaks and I've climbed lots of chossy peaks. But I haven't climbed many little chossy peaks. From which climbing blog are you getting this crap?
  13. Blah blah blah. No wait. Actually, it's blah blah blah. Or it could be blah blah blah. Can't tell for sure. Blah blah perhaps? Maybe even blah.
  14. Hmmm, interesting question you've posed there. Topozone map of the terrain. Let us know what you find should you go. I'd especically be interested in what you encountered leading up to Pk 5002 and Pk 5113 ("Beaver Peak"). I've climbed Stillaguamish Peak (from the trail side) but would like to climb Pks 5002, 5113, and 5442 (West Stillaguamish).
  15. klenke

    Classic troll

    Is that a Dot Matrix Printer? Whoa! Thanks, Lars. Apparently there's a website for everything.
  16. klenke

    Classic troll

    I've never been sent such an email. Or, maybe I have but any spam I get I generally delete w/o even opening or preview paning it. When the sender or subject line are curious to me I sometimes use the properties function to check the sender's address. It's always some gobbledegook address. Goes right in the trash. Problem is, I'm getting more and more spam every day. Which one of you yahoos sold me out, hmmm? Comcast sucks donkeys now in this regard.
  17. I like the way Fabio is smiting that overpaid NBA whiner in the process. Classic photo of the "agony of de smote."
  18. klenke


    Well, I've learned one thing today, j_b's shift key is STILL broken or tempermental. So why capitalize GE and nothing else? Are you a capitalphobe? Do you suffer from capitalphobia? Are you an anti-capitalist. Do you believe in capital punishment?
  19. klenke


    Alice is a damn good golfer, so he's alright in my book--my scorecard. How conservative a republican can the guy be with a first name like Alice?
  20. Jim, I'm curious. Give me an example of #1 and don't make it sound like "#2." Thanks. I agree with you on #3 but 'tis easier said than done. #3 is basically isolationism, which is, as you know, a dead concept in today's global socio-economic world.
  21. klenke


    Yeah, I don't like my Bono pro bono either.
  22. What fern is trying to say is: If there are any ferns growing around the camparty site you are not allowed to step on them. Dya hear? No stepping on da ferns! No pissing on da ferns either, for that matter. Other than that, spray away...
  23. Here's a recent picture of north side of Buckner (from far away on the Klawatti Glacier on Aug. 20). I obviously couldn't see the state of the moat, but I can tell you the middle of the couloir had no snow whatsoever. It looked like ugly dirt/rocks. Not my idea of an enjoyable avenue.
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