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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Everybody descend on it (ascend to it?) and fill it up! Promptly!
  2. Good deal more than just looking
  3. Phawk! Ray! This was a really cool thread! I mean, before you deleted everything You even made Lambone sorry. It's not like he has anything against the helo And Fred doesn't even read the board, right? It's just a bit of teasing... you'd be disappointed if everybody stopped... and I sure as hell would be disappointed if you people stopped posting pics of all those peaks I never heard of. The ones Dru left here are freaking awesome! Bad Caveman... [ 08-21-2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: fleblebleb ]
  4. I figure by the time I need to think about a new battery for my Avocet the screen will be so hopelessly scratched that I'll happily send it away for general overhaul... Allison, where do you get the watchamacallits for fixing stuff? Hot bond? What is it?
  5. Lickitysplit... HAHAHAHAHAHARHARHARHAR Ouch my abs hurt.
  6. I ran a search and a "Sport Climber's Glossary" thread came up, which I actually remember laughing at... but when I click on it the thing tells me that thread doesn't exist. Where did it go? Did something so vile get posted to it that the whole thread had to be obliterated? Are we getting censored? Did Agent Orange show up? Somebody tell me what's going on...
  7. Schweet... Now go fill in what summit you were talking about in the old summit register post Wayne!
  8. Thanks Alex and Lowell. We screwed up the Challenger approach when we went there a week ago and wound up not having the extra time for climbing Crooked Thumb like we had planned. Pretty annoying because we'd carried extra gear in there that was completely unnecessary for Challenger John, too bad we didn't chat last night since we were both there... I might not make it next week if it's in Tacoma.
  9. The Hilleberg Akto is a really cool tent... but costs three times as much as the Sierra Designs thing. Check out http://www.hilleberg.com/ or http://www.promountainsports.com/.
  10. The leg band was lying on the table and we guessed it was yours... Wayne, did you take it? Maybe we just left it on the table Sorry... Was a good crowd though! Some lurkers with no screen names, what's up with that! Get out of the woodwork guys
  11. Widowmaker... how the hell did it get that name? Some of those names make no sense to me. Anybody know how Cutthroat got named?
  12. Trask, you're an enigma. Did you get that stuff of some Martha bboard where you spend the other half of your time? How about digging up some Martha horse cock recipes for us next time you visit?
  13. I smell a patent. Hey, we need a $$$ gremlin!
  14. You gonna order without trying on? Good luck wit dat...
  15. Bah, gym climbing is neither. It's kinda funny that this place is so trad centric that the only jokes we ever get here are trads making fun of sportos - I don't remember any posts with sportos making fun of gym rats. It's like, hey, there's a piece of the food chain missing Anyway, I'd climb in a gym if somebody bought me a membership - but I wouldn't wear a helmet anymore than I'd wear one for calisthenics or a jog. [ 08-20-2002, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: fleblebleb ]
  16. Since seeing accident at Vantage, every single time. Much sooner go climbing without a harness.
  17. The Hilleberg tent catalog has this funny blurb about how zippers always fail sooner or later and that you should carry a spare zipper so you can do field repairs
  18. Nelson has (or had) the zeros... aliens too... they're closed Sun/Mon, open by appointment only Tue, open all day Wed-Sat. I don't know how often I've gone up there right after a climbing trip because there was this thing I really should have had on the trip, only to remember too late that they're closed. Those funky hours have saved me a lot of $$ [ 08-20-2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: fleblebleb ]
  19. Duh... I still have no idea where the is... Spill it, somebody...
  20. Well, unless it was full... Hey Wayne, you forgot to mention what summit that was
  21. Curious... what's the oldest summit register people have seen this summer? I haven't seen anything older than 1990 (Challenger). MountainMan's Buck TR mentions a register from 1965, that's pretty cool.
  22. Is that the same Pat I climbed Cutthroat with after being stormed off the Carmigan?
  23. I'm with Puget... take it easy, climb what you feel like, eventually the confidence comes back. When I started climbing I wasn't comfortable on even fairly basic stuff but I got better over time; since then I've had a setback, spooked myself, and now I am less comfortable than I used to be - but have definitely been getting better. Dru nailed it too... go have fun, climb cool alpine routes, enjoy being out there, forget about adrenaline climbing and even technical climbing for awhile. If you've ever come off a climb and thought, dang, that wasn't half as technical or difficult as I hoped, well, after getting spooked you have a new opportunity to really enjoy those technically simpler climbs.
  24. I had a complicated alteration done at Rainy Pass... upside, incredibly well done, the garment literally looks like no work was done and it now fits perfectly; downside, astronomically expensive. I would only go there for way complicated stuff and it better be worth the $$-$$$.
  25. Dammit... do I have to be Chronic Gumby after I'm finished with Chief Wanker? Where are those moderators? This one's for you!
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