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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Ah, yes, better crap all over Martin Volken then, since he's putting names on things we could just as well refer to as being "fun" - you know, as in, "oh, yeah, we skied the fun route last weekend". Screw him for publishing a cool guidebook to skiing around Snoqualmie Pass too, that's totally Euro-trash.
  2. GPS can't get you millimeter accuracy. More importantly, the signal is very easily blocked and distorted, by roofs, cliffs, trees, probably even cloud cover although I don't know for sure. Here's a link to the home page of a Ph. D. student at UW who works on fine-grain location technology.
  3. If I don't want increased "user" fees, why can't I vote for that by not going to a chat session that would suck up my evening and make no difference in the greater scheme of things anyway? If I don't go, why does that have to be a vote for increased user fees? If I do pay the user fees, why is that a vote for more user fees? Why do we have to be fucked if we do and fucked if we don't?
  4. I had plans for Saturday but that might fall through because of excess Centigrade :wazzup: Oy! Where is the wazzup guy? :wazzup: Colonial sounds great, I'll be in touch.
  5. Heh, I could say exactly the same. Too bad you don't know my cartoon, but then again I don't know yours
  6. It's a long story. But since we're going down that road, isn't Captain and Caveman kind of oxymoronic put together?
  7. Can't have one sprayer of the year, doesn't work that way. Trask, Greg W, Sisu and DFA are the (un)holy quaternity of spraydom these days
  8. Passed by there today, it was quite warm and there is a lot of drippage between the ice and the rock - it needs to get colder before this is worth the hike.
  9. The Icelandic Alpine Club has a new page in English and a friend of mine there (the guy who put it together) asked me to post the URL to the site and a poll designed to get him some feedback. The ice route photographs alone will probably make it worth looking at for a few minutes. The site is at http://www.isalp.is/english.php
  10. I hope not. Happy to see deadguy dead and buried though.
  11. Duh. Society has already decided that you can't buy a car that doesn't meet emission standards, that you have to have your car tested for emissions every other year, that you can't drive faster than an arbitrary speed limit, etc etc blah blah blah. Pretty much everything in your daily life is regulated.
  12. There is a 4-year study that got kicked off in March that some of you might like. It's a joint project of the University of Iceland, Reykjavík Public Transport, Shell Iceland (in Iceland) and Daimler-Chrysler, Shell Hydrogen and Norsk Hydro (internationally), and a few other companies and research institutions in Scandinavia. The objective is to gradually replace Reykjavík's busses with hydro-powered ones. The first two years will be focussed on infrastructure (refueling station etc) and then they'll start by replacing three busses. Here's a short article from the BBC. One of the incentives for the study is mentioned in the article - the greenhouse gas emissions per capita in Iceland is greater than anywhere else in the industrialized world. Another incentive is that (just like in the rest of Europe) gasoline is four times as expensive as it is in the US. To find out more try googling for hydrogen and Reykjavik.
  13. Parking in various on-campus parking lots is free from 9 pm to 6 am weekdays, and $3 for parking from 4 pm to 9 pm. I don't know how diligently the UW police check for parking permits in the 7-9 pm period. The parking lot by the Burke Museum is super convenient for the ave. Get on 45th Str. and turn south on 17th Ave to enter the campus. If you buy a parking permit at the gatehouse you can just ask for the Burke Museum parking lot. Otherwise turn right (west) at the first opportunity (about a ropelength from the gatehouse...), and then the parking lot is on your right hand. It's basically at the SE corner of 15th Ave and 45th Str. Pretty easy. The College Inn is great! Let's go there. Big Time is OK (if you can stand hippie hippie fuck fuck people, otherwise you're probably better off not coming anywhere close to the U District at all, heh). I don't like Schultzy's very much but guess I don't really care.
  14. There is a BD test report out there somewhere, about simulated falls on screws in a somewhat controlled setting, that shows short screws to be every bit as reliable in good ice - and followed by the usual disclaimers about "good" ice. I'm sure most of you have seen this. Anyway it makes perfect sense - if the ice is good enough for a downwards slanting screw to be stronger than an upwards slanting one, then the threads provide the stick mostly, and a short screw has as much thread surface as a longer one. If on the other hand the ice isn't "good" then the screw needs to be angled more upwards and effectively starts working more like a picket or something
  15. I bought the last Grivel stubby on sale at Feathered Friends (nyah nyah nyah ) but they still had two or three BD Express stubby ones left at 20% off, and a bunch of longer simple hanger BD ones, also 20% off. Also had Charlet Moser 18 cm screws with a simple hanger for $18, that's a pretty good price...
  16. Bit early for the final consensus right? I'm thinking we've got 3-4 places to rule out before settling on the first idea as usual Any place with Fat Tire and an easy busride from the U District sounds good to me. How about Big Time, it might be a bit less busy now that most of the students are either doing exams or gone away for Xmas.
  17. Wow, not a lot of climbing happening eh? I just went for a jog and a little buildering. Maybe tomorrow there will be a bunch of ski stories...
  18. New apartment with tons of buildering for Wayne VW van with an engine for Geek the Greek Soap for washing mouth for Bolt Clipper 10 feet powder for Ned Flanders with his new skis
  19. I have odd-shaped feet and the Kaylands fit me well so maybe they fit people with odd-shaped feet (uh, where's the logic in that?). But they're grrreat boots. Hike great, climb better than they hike, but since the sole is fairly thin custom insoles would probably help a lot.
  20. Lots of routes at my gym are out of condition because crucial footholds keep falling off. What's up with that???
  21. Hayshaker, not all climbers are ignorant and thankless. I was at Vantage during one of the four accidents you mention and my climbing partner made the 911 call. I remember the firefighters and EMTs that showed up as being competent and entirely in control of the situation, and myself as being neither. And Bolt Clipper, that was an extremely stupid post, apology notwithstanding. Pissing over the usual suspects on this board is an accepted pastime and all in good fun but WTF? Pissing over the people that drag our asses from the crags when we screw up and get injured? Learn some respect.
  22. The Seattle Mountaineers singles program is probably just the right thing for you
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