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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I also don't have any idea which name goes with each drip, but I was up there today and saw stuff that is forming nicely. There was a party of three playing at one spot, they had led and placed screws but told me the ice felt wet and soft.
  2. Depending on what you're doing it may not take much insulation to keep you warm. A less insulated boot might cause you to sweat less and a softer sole is going to be better for almost all kinds of climbing. I'm sure all the boots you're looking at are well made, it's the fit not the color...
  3. Opt to bolt from bolt-or-not-to-bolt snoozefest
  4. I cannot believe what happened here. Honest answers? You people need help
  5. I got much firmer snow/ice down low on Guye than up higher. Maybe all of Chair Peak was in the warmer air, which wasn't that warm anyway?
  6. It's pretty sweet right now. I climbed the gully that's so obvious from the Alpental parking lot today, with Geek the Greek and one other. It's very mellow, but nice. Then we had a Guye moment once we actually got on the west face, one of those "huh where the hell are we". We turned out to be north of the NW Chimney route described by Beckey, but had been hoping to climb that route. Oops... That gully we started in has nice ice in it, I'd recommend it for people that are starting out. We used two pickets, slung one or two trees and placed one screw, each placement about a ropelength from the previous one. This was mostly because we were three on a rope, it makes more sense to just lose the rope altogether if you're comfortable on crusty snow and low-angle ice. It felt very solid the whole way. The snow was a lot crustier and more solid down low than up near the north summit. There didn't seem to be much climbable ice on Guye proper, although we saw plenty of icicles and thin verglas. The descent from the summit to the car took ca. 45 minutes, without snowshoes
  7. Maybe trask wants a crotchless eric8 furry too?
  8. Hror, gnhror, zzzzzz... Furries are so mainstream now, they're getting featured on major network sitcoms and shit. I was expecting trask to brag about a costume collection of at least a dozen, featuring some rare specimens like a rat furry, a bug furry, a snafflehound furry, an alpine poodle furry, and that rarest of prizes, a mtngoat furry.
  9. Ah, at last the long awaited payback for the dusting of snow
  10. I don't know about you playing the accountant at Pub Club, it'll be raw chaos as soon as somebody says "bolt".
  11. Mtngoatfuck is the one for politics.
  12. Friggin classic. I'll have to buy you a beer for that ChucK
  13. Boingy? You didn't drop back into wine-speak for a moment there did you?
  14. The Cpt.? You have to be kidding. Check out spray to find out who's into politics
  15. Well, I remember some Barry Blanchard comment to a Nepal liaison officer or some such, about the Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat being something like having sex with death. So there, that's as good as I can get you when it comes to a real alpinist. I'm just a weekend dabbler myself, try to mix it up when I can... (Dammit, must get rid of flu and stop read stupid Twight book)
  16. That's more like it, I was getting worried I'd have to start frequenting summitpost for my entertainment.
  17. HAHAHAHAHA stamina only means one thing to the sport climber doesn't it?
  18. I'm kind of wishing my parents would chime in and limit my access to various parts of the bulletin board, to tell you the truth...
  19. That wouldn't really serve any purpose, because whenever the Icelandic students at UW meet it's called winetasting too. (That's how I know so much about improving cheap wine through imbibing greater quantities you know...)
  20. Fabulous bullshitting stamina? Coupled with fabulous typing stamina? Exactly which part of my post made you start thinking about sex anyway?
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