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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. You have *one* tooth? I guess that's not surprising, really.
  2. It's usually "safe" to travel up to Muir unroped all year. Crevasses might open up late season, but you can usually avoid them by sight.
  3. This guy's website has a guestbook, and soon after someone sent email to the UW climbers list about The Conquest of Granite Peak, a righteous climber from Seattle signed the guestbook, telling the guy how dangerous and irresponsible he was, etc. etc. I checked the guestbook a few minutes later, to see if anyone else had ripped into him, and he had deleted the critical entry. Guess he doesn't want to hear any criticism...
  4. This guy is somethin' else. He will lead the All-Time Deadly Gumby Rope Team from Hell.
  5. just got back from one pitch at soggy darrington. now i've scoped out 3 o'clock rock, at least . and surprise, we were the only ones there. instead of slipping and sliding up the soaked rock, we headed up to whitehorse and checked out the trail as far as the start of the bushwhack. it was a nice day out in the rain.
  6. Chubstick with creamy gu filling. For the traditionalists, cheese flavored creemy gu filling is available, but only with whole uncut horsecock.
  7. Dennis, you do a fine job making yourself look like an asshole. Keep it up!
  8. Dennis, why must you belittle people who don't do as you want? Just because I climbed at Squamish once doesn't make me some super-cool badass climber like Peter Croft. The same principle works in the other direction: climbing at Vantage doesn't mean I suck. I can't believe you're older than 15, man
  9. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: I wonder why the moderaters are allowing everyone to post under an anonymous character since it causes so much greif. This is really the only message board community that allows such behavior Unless you've been using a different Internet than I have, there's no way cc.com is the only anonymous message board community out there. Despite the "my horsecock is bigger than yours, so shove that drill up your ass" blahblahblah, this site is incredibly useful, for all the reasons everyone's mentioned. As long as no one goes completely apeshit and starts posting rambling, drug-induced accounts of his stalking another cc.commie (this ruined a messageboard at my college and got someone arrested), I'm ok with cc.com the way it is. I don't really see why people get their knickers in such a twist over debates and insults had online. At least scot'teryx had the, uh, courage to ignore cc.com and skip merrily off to summitposer.com.
  10. He's too pissed about Everest to ever be a real climber. Hillary beat him to the highest peak in the world, and that was just too much for Rush, the young aspiring alpinist.
  11. Lonely again, Dennis?
  12. quote: Originally posted by Matt: Slothrop, maybe your girlfriend came by after 1? Anyway, If I were her I wouldn't admit to going to REI on a sunny Saturday only to shop. Why didn't she join us? Dude, I know. Shame. But she was shopping for Father's Day for her fisherman Dad later in the afternoon. She had to work that day, and I was busy with other commitments... I wish I could have been there. My girlfriend did manage to chat with a bunch of people about the protests, she said several REI employees had no clue what was going on. Also, they didn't know what the protest was about. Ha, see, that was a little joke. Oh nevermind
  13. How do you get to Rattlesnake Ledge?
  14. Its not hard to spell a word correctly, just look up it's definition in the dictionary. Grammar is a bit harder, though.
  15. My girlfriend was at REI yesterday and said she saw maybe 5 or 6 protesters. Doesn't sound very successful to me. Too bad.
  16. I started in the gym because I have never lived in a place with mountains all around me (before Seattle), and I wanted to build up strength and confidence before I started climbing "for real" outdoors. Going to the gym and toproping wasn't nearly as much fun (or as much climbing) as bouldering for a few hours in the gym. Eventually, I met some people with more experience and started going outdoors. Clipping bolts was first, since there's less to think about: you assume the pro is good. I wanted to do things safely and feel confident, so I took (well, am taking) it slow while learning to lead and to place gear. To some extent, I agree with Peter Puget's friend in that I find climbing with an aesthetic, naturally-defined goal more exciting than pulling on a few features and then lowering off. Multipitch trad routes and alpine climbing are so much more interesting than 80' of bolts. To me, sport climbing is a fun way to improve your strength and technical ability. An engaging puzzle, but not a demanding journey. There will be some gym climbers who only identify with gym culture and sport climbing culture, and don't understand the appeal of getting into the mountains. To me, it's just a starting point.
  17. Mix pistachios (shelled), cashews, soy nuts, almonds, chocolate-covered espresso beans, and chocolate in a plastic bag. Walk around Icicle Canyon in the blazing sun trying to find your climbing partners. Ignore the melted mess in your pack. Come home, put pack in shaded corner. A few hours later, remove bag-o-stuff and chow on the nice chunks of caffeinated chocolate and nuts.
  18. Thanks, freeclimb. I'm glad your trip went well and you weren't maimed by the death cookies [ 06-14-2002, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: slothrop ]
  19. I figured it was either small slabs shifting underfoot or nasty chunks of debris. Thanks for nothing, Cavey.
  20. Uh, yeah, but what's a "cookie"? A slab?
  21. Cool. What's a death cookie?
  22. slothrop

    Pearly Gates

    quote: Originally posted by Dru: I tripped on a bolt once while slab walking and nearly took a whipper... Was that on Banana Peel?
  23. quote: Originally posted by Dennis Harmon: You might try it Drew, but I wouldn't recommend it. Dying sucks. Dennis Huh?
  24. I always thought the chest harness was only useful after you fall in that crevasse, for keeping yourself upright while you hang and start to prusik/get raised out.
  25. I betcha the booty belongs to the guy who skied Granite Mtn. during high avy hazard and (surprise!) got wiped down the chute by a slide. Granite Mountain accident
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