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Everything posted by Tony_Bentley

  1. Triple C's would probably pass as a ski route by now. If anyone wants to hit in after this next storm cycle, I'll help break trail and shoot footage from the other side of the lake.
  2. Would I feel better about them paying out of their own pockets? It wouldn't matter to me at all. The cost to run a forum is about $20 a month until the word gets out and extra bandwidth is necessary. Correct me if I'm wrong Admins but you guys needed funding for bandwidth, correct?
  3. Notice the Google ads are right in the middle of the page? Some are for the community and most are for the money. At least here we know they really need the money to support the bandwidth of the 10,000 members and the other people who browse this site. I'd bet PMS and FF get most of their web traffic from the ads posted here.
  4. After seeing ASHW skinning uphill and skiing downhill on his board the other day, I suppose there are drawbacks to both the plastic boots with plate bindings and the soft boots with regular bindings. Either way, at least snowboarders can go uphill and traverse now and even break trail with their board. Also glad to hear the canyon is in. I might have to make a trip up there after another sweet freeze and snowfall. This winter has been great!
  5. RC that is some dough! At least you are getting out there. Now if I can only figure out where you will be so I can have a tow rope and a thumb out.....
  6. Yes. There is snow. Break that beast yet?
  7. ron and justin, you guys should go ride together sometime. I must contest. I hiked lower nash this morning and pretty much tumbled down the breakable crust. There has to be a way to make turns in that stuff. For breakable crust, snowboarding IS superior.
  8. Try skiing and snowboarding. They both have their merits and are equally as fun. I ski but the grass is green on both sides of the fence.
  9. Skied Wildcatz at Stevens today with no other tracks in sight. Good times.
  10. kioti- Good advice my man. I'd agree, Shuksans are a good all around ski. Maybe upgrade when the old ones lose their base or edge. The new ones are cool now that the tips are less pointed, which resemble my Havocs. Have fun on Baker, the resort, the arm and the mountains are the best place to play in snow.
  11. I think we should go back and film it again, with Allyoucaneat and some splitboarder-biochem dude and get more of the terrain park shots. Don't you? We'll have to wait until the science experiments are over with though. My friends are too focused right now to give up the action for the adventure. You guys are too nice. I hope the flick gets you stoked for the season rolling in though.
  12. Climb: Mount Baker -Coleman-Deming Ski Descent Date of Climb: 10/21/2005 Trip Report: Just watch the video: http://www.picketrange.com/baker.wmv 19.5 megs 12 or 13 hours c2c Gear Notes: Crampons
  13. If it makes you feel better, I've hardly climbed in aid mode but I could tell you what A3 felt like. Gneiss isn't granite, thats for sure. Why don't all of you hardmen go out into the North Cascades an put up an aid route with moderate free climbing. Better yet, where are all of the 5.11 gneiss routes? The Central rib on Triumph is 5.10, right? Okay, everyone get out there and climb a first ascent that is 5.11 gneiss okay.
  14. No, stevens sucks too. Better yet, everyone should go to Mission Ridge. Yeah, Mission Ridge. It rocks.
  15. Maybe a different angle? This is on Temple ridge. Black Pyramid is the crag visible on the ridge. I think the crag is D'Artagnan where the red line ends.
  16. Who is everyone? Me?
  17. So this must be Toketie Buttress
  18. I am looking at the CAG right now. Slaphappy, you are right. The image below is the 3 musketeers, not Toketie Buttress.
  19. I thought the same thing Slaphappy. After seeing the other side of the ridge into Temple Canyon, I figured the buttress was the pointed crag directly opposite (South)of Toketie Wall. If so, I think it is a worthy climb. I will get a photo posted when I get home tonight.
  20. Here is a good topic on goosedown. If you want to have something with less insulation but also less bulky, go synthetic. Primaloft is good. I've seen Wild Things Primaloft jackets work well for damp or even wet conditions but down is really warm and packs tight. The insulation cannot get wet though. There are fabrics to prevent most of the water from contacting the down plumage, which is great in terms of greater versatility. Synthetic insulation fits a wider range for warmer temperatures and down fits a wider range for colder temps. There are always seems to be exceptions to these rules though. Maybe someone would be willing to show examples.
  21. The NWAC is losing their funding from MRNP for 2006. They are out another $8000. The parking fees are warranted due to the high amount of tourism and low amount of recreation that goes on at Paradise. What do you suppose the ratio is for outdoor users (climbers, skiers, hikers) vs. tourists (those who walk the cement path or never leave the parking lot)? Maybe it is time to get some busses to shuttle passengers in and out of the park.
  22. slap and revkev eh? When we broke up in 2003 I didn't know you were hangin with HIM! Bitch!
  23. Credits
  24. I like the idea that climbing is only what people do after the approach; sometimes but not always using a partner, rope, protection, ice axe or tools, crampons, etc.
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