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Everything posted by fredrogers

  1. Roto wall has a bunch of short 5 easy climbs and has some shade. 50' from the car.
  2. There si a super fun and casual, yet stunningly beautiful loop in the Sawtooths climbing Star, Courtney, Reynolds, Oval, etc. No permits required unless you enter the Ross Lake Rec area. http://www.lemkeclimbs.com/lake-chelan-sawtooth-wilderness.html
  3. These guys and gals are great. https://www.ncmountainguides.com/
  4. I just looked up the coordinates on Google Earth. That's the right slide path. I posted this link to his account- hopefully he'll be in touch with you directly.
  5. There was a local guy from Mazama who got caught in a slide this past winter in that zone and lost a ski. I wager it's his. I'll post to his facebook.
  6. Silvertstar will be your best choice in marginal weather since it is so far east of the crest. I would expect a lot of bare glacier ice at this time of year- it's usually a pretty benign route but could be spicy this late. Go over Burgundy Col not via Silverstar creek. All your objectives seem worthy and doable at this time of year- just keep an eye on the WX and go east if you need to.
  7. For sure not if you go in Silverstar Creek, which is probably the best access for the route versus over Burgandy col. As long as you don;t get sucked into the slide alder.
  8. Sale pending on Rockies book.
  9. And before anyone asks these are not the ones stolen recently- I live in Mazama far from Seattle. Have 3 rare out of print guidebooks I will likely never use again and would like to see them find a new home: Sky Valley Rock by Daryl Cramer. Book is in usual guidebook shape but still very serviceable, pages 77-102 have pulled from binding $75. Selected Alpine Climbs in the Canadian Rockies by Sean Dougherty, excellent shape with a few bent page corners $45 and Alpine Select Climbs in SW BC and WA by Kevin McLane- in essentially new condition- Amazon lists this at $780+- but I would be willing to entertain offers. PM me if interested.
  10. These on Kangaroo Ridge.
  11. Snowed at the Pass this AM. Maybe this link will work? Looking up Willow Creek Drainage https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154111137136029&set=pcb.988164814582425&type=1&theater
  12. Just a head's up folks that there have been a series of smash and grab thefts from the Cedar Creek TH all the way out to Easy Pass this spring- the latest at the Blue Lake TH yesterday (they actually started last year). From what I have heard the majority have occurred while the occupants were away for the day. I'd suggest minimizing the amount of gear and other items (electronics, etc.) you leave in your vehicle.
  13. Lots in at WA Pass- including several of the Cutthroat slide paths. Here's Rainy lake ice from this weekend. Why snowmobile 30 miles when you can walk 30 mins from the car. Go get it.
  14. He's still writing. You can find more hilarity here: http://www.twisptedreality.com/
  15. I've owned a number of primaloft jackets and have had great success with them- one from OR lasted 5 seasons before I felt like it had lost insulation qualities.
  16. They just moved out the Winthrop space to a home office. Give them a call and I am sure you will get your shoes back, well repaired.
  17. Rad- try and find TimL on this forum. He's been in Spain for many years and would have all the beta you need.
  18. FYI- if you show up while the Goat's Beard is closed, the folks at the Mazama Store can usually let you in to get something from the shop.
  19. Clamshell Cave also fits the bill. 8ish routes, most routes are 5.9 and under, all are easy to set up trs on. don't expect solitude there on a weekend....
  20. Screws gone. Quarks gone. Rambocomps gone.
  21. Have a few random bits of kit for sale: 2012 Spark Burner LT bindings- size medium. Like new- used on 2-3 short tours, really too small for my size 11 boots. $380 new, $280 takes em. Voile splitboard crampons, $50 Patagucci down vest size lg, black, like new $60 TNF Gore XCR Summit Series Jacket (forget model), a few years old. Blue Size XL, some wear from pack straps under arms, $90 Marmot Guide light jacket (Membrain Fabric), red, size L, great shape $40 Marmot Work gloves, good shape, size L, small seam open $25 Petzl Quarks, 2 hammers + 1 adze, Cascade picks in good shape, Petzl quick clip leashes $175/pair, buy the tools and I'll throw in one DMM 16CM screw in good shape. Grivel Rambocomp crampons. Set up as duals, lightly used $75 sold 2 BD ice clippers and V-thread tool $20 Wild Things Rocksac, Red/black, size Med, used but plenty of life left, needs one buckle on brain, $50 Suunto X9i GPS watch- a few years old, lightly used, all manuals, cables etc $150 Pic available on request. PM or em db underscore climbz at hotmail dot com Buyer pays shipping from Winthrop WA
  22. WT Rocksac, MED, need one buckle to the brain of the pack used but lots of life $50 Have a pair of 1st Gen Quarks, 2 hammers, 1 adze, Petzl quick clip leashes, Cascade picks in good shape $200 Grivel Rambo Comp crampons, set up as dual point, lightly used 2 seasons $75 16CM 1 Grivel 360, 18 CM BD Turbo Express $30 very lightly used pending sale DMM 16CM $20 2 BD ice clippers $10 V Thread tool $10 Cloudveil Iceflow Gloves size lg. great shape $30 sale pending Waterfall Ice CND Rockies 4th ed $100, lightly used out of print Selected Alpine Climbs CDN rockies 4th Ed $20 Washington Ice, like new $20 Climbing Ice, Duane Raleigh $10 Ice and Mixed Climbing, Gadd, $20 BD Mako Crampons- $25 Buyer pays shipping from Winthrop WA can take Paypal. Photos available on request. PM or em db underscore climbz at hotmail dot com
  23. Darin- There are 3 separate anchors up there- they are great for the kids of that age. They are regularly cleaned for loose rock- but will be a little dirty most likely. They will be in the shade in the AM and it's been freezing at night, so no need for an alpine start. Also- having had a near miss there once, note the top of the "Sun Rock" slab is just up and right from the zone so keep an eye kids in that vicinity.
  24. Hey Matt-It's been a few years since I climbed it, but expect some lichen on Golden Horn and sparse protection. It's a bit tricky to get off the top, we ended up lowering one person to fix the rope in the gully between the two towers and then running the line over the summit block for the second person to rap- building an anchor to rap from would have been expensive. Fun route and an amazing little summit. Doing Tower as well will help justify the hike.
  25. Simply amazing shots- among the best I have seen- you;re giving Steph Abegg a run for her money.
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