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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Timmy, Maybe you should just post a few pics of the rabid guard snaffles you have in your yard. Thanks for this site which has sucked aways days . . no, weeks of my life. My life has been enriched from the people, stories, and debauchery this site has allowed me to interact with. Thanks-Tex
  2. I'm putting up a new route at an undisclosed location. By putting up I mean getting alot of practice with the wire brush.
  3. So I recently acuired an injury in one of the extensor muscles of my arm. Has anyone ever sustained an injury like this from climbing. What was your experience and what helped the most for recovery?
  4. I am curious, does anyone have an entire rack-o-booty? I have almost a complete set of bd nuts and everything from a #4 camalot to a yellow alien booty pieces on my rack.
  5. texplorer


    He's still up "there"
  6. texplorer


    Tex is not a bad ass since he hasn't been climbing in weeks now. Tex is very weak, broke, and is in a 3 step program. Step 1 -finish school in 2 weeks Step 2 -spend remainder of student loans on trip to Yos Step 3 -get a jobby-job in P-town Step 4 -give DFA the finger whilst taking the big one on upper heinous Ok, step 4 is just a bonus
  7. texplorer


    When I was a child on family vacations to colorado I was always being scolded for climbing the rocks, trees, and anything else. I guess even as a child I was a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I still remember being 4 yrs old and falling out of a mesquite tree and landing flat on my back. Fast forward 20 years later- I moved to the NW to get better at climbing. I had always been a good endurance athlete so I thought I could be good at climbing big mountains. Figuring that you need to learn rope and pro techniques I began rock climbing. Since then I have discovered the many diverse realms of climbing and have spent the last several years trying to gain proficiency at each of them. I still like climbing snowy big mountains, bouldering, sport climbing, ice climbing, and aid, but I now am in a lurid affair with trad climbing clean crack systems. What makes you a climber is hard to say. I do believe is that once you become a climber it is like being knighted. Once your are knighted you are always a knight even if you seldom go into battle or ever fight again. Will Fred B. cease to be a climber when he can't get out of bed? I think not. Becoming a climber is something within that is probably different to alot of people. Now whether you are a bad ass or a "committed" climber is something else entirely with which to debate.
  8. Do not come to Oregon. The climbing sucks here worse. Our volcanoes are all erupting and those that are not are large piles of dinner-plate stacked crap. Leavenworth is much more solid rock than anything in Oregon. I just got the new guidebook to Smith rock. It is only three pages long and describes how smith rock fell down.
  9. Climbing is like going into battle. Some people like using broadswords whilst others like using axes. If you can get the job done and come back another day then you have succeeded. Of course there are those of you that throw rocks and run away. You all have opinions on weaponry too but then again you never truely go into battle so your opinions are mute. Camalots are my choice but Friends are good too. Aliens are the lords of the micro realm.
  10. I'm trying of moving to Portland as well in October. Will, if you find a cheap enough place but need a roommate give me a yell.
  11. Not a Mormon, W but having multiple partners all the time would be nice.
  12. Thanks for the info Russ, I guess I heard some big made up story about the incident. Your side sounds alot more like reality.
  13. texplorer

    Name your porn

    Horsecock and Snafflehounds Do Dallas
  14. I check to make sure the knots are tied and my belay device is correctly threaded and then go just like I check my mirrors before I change lanes on the highway. Both are dangerous but once you get the hang of them I don't think you need to say a mantra.
  15. I agree with DavidG! It's a great route. Just an added note -The log that the "Fifty Classics" book describes and Bug climbed is gone and the route now takes a different path (ie the pendulum is not where the log was). Rumor has it that some yahoo euros finished the log off on purpose way back in the day and were welcomed by getting their asses kicked by some valley locals. I think I know where that offwidth crack that you fell on. Its quite a difficult bit. Highlander and I got off route on that thing this spring. We were soloing the route but brought the rope in case he didn't feel comfortable. I climbed that pitch with no pro and it scared the living shit out of me. Your account was a scary reminder of that experience. I'm glad I didn't take the big one that you did. You are a certified hardman in my book.
  16. I like my Carhardt's. They are heavy, soak up water like a mutha, dry about as fast as christmas, shrink and fade with every wash, but they look cool. If you climb real cracks though they are the shizzle. I am proudly a member of CFC (Climber's for Carhardts)
  17. Um, moonshine has about 3 jams on it. In my book- not a hand crack.
  18. I've seen many so-called pimps suck bad. Most of you are probably in that category but mainly Trask. I think it's funny how you talk shit and bore us with gumby TRs ("Oh man, I had a hot blond in bed the other night and ...damn near blah, blah, blah"). Big fucking deal!!! Go get some lessens or quit wasting us real pimpz's time with your pathetic suckass shit. You all know who you are (trask).
  19. Cruel Sister, .10a, Smith Easter Overhang, .10c?, Midnight Rock Blownout, .10b, Beacon Rock final pitch of Stanley/Burgner Route, .9+, Prussik Peak Supercrack, .12, Midnight Rock Free For All, .8, Beacon Rock
  20. If you use a hex, you might need to add a quickDru to prevent rope drag.
  21. "These are not the Nike's your looking for." "Stop fool, your Jedi mind trips don't work on brothas."
  22. The word through the grapevine is that a few routes and extraneous anchors have been chopped recently. . . .
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