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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. Worth doing? Not heading up there expressly for that, but in case we finish off the other climbs we want to do in the area, were thinking that it would be an easy one to do. 4 pitches? Beta/comments/suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Finally found out where this place is. Talked to a buddy of mine who used to climb over there and he said it is over by Mt. Bachelor near the athletic club. You hike down along the Deschutes and it is just past the tyrolean traverse on the left hand side. There is osme other bouldering in the area. You have to cross the River to get to it. He also reccomended Skeleton Cave. Is this area still open and if so, how hard is it to get to now that they rerouted the roads?
  3. So, according to the web, Miller Island is owned by the State of WA, but I see many sea kayaking tours offered that go over to the island to look at a rare species of cacti, petroglyphs on therock walls, and hike the sand dunes. Also, I found this info on the geology of the rock in that area. Maybe you geo buffs can decipher what quality of rock this will produce. Also, in the image it appears as if there is an awesome cliff band coming up out of the water on the Wa. side. Can you say Thailand boat climbing in the Gorge?
  4. I don't quite have the same ability as you do Lummox regarding fishing, as she grew up in Florida fishing for permit, snook, bonefish, and tarpon and can double haul an 8 weight a good 30 yds. farther than I can!
  5. Agreed. SHe just isn't into alpine climbing. She likes sport climbing and has even toprpoed some nice 100 ft. ice flows down in Lee Vining Canyon on a rest day away from Owens River GOrge and bouldering. SHe's asked me about alpine before, but has heard horror stories of death marches and devil's club and really isn't interested. Just thought I could give her a glimpse of what is out there and a little of why we do it (the views for one) without her having to go through something like trying to get into a "real" alpine experience.
  6. Anybody got 'em yet? I am going to my local muffler store now. Just click on the Original Whistle Tip News Video link on this site and find out what the latest craze is all about! I can see this causing some serious probelms with Larry da Tool up in the Icicle. Woowoo!
  7. She wanted to hike and camp up at the Moraine after talking to a friend of hers who did it last weekend. I am just wondering if it is worth me carrying a rope, a few pieces and the like up there in case she wants to climb higher. How long can it be from the moraine to the summit? An hour or two?
  8. Was thinking about taking my girlfriend up the Sahale Glacier/South Side Route for her first "alipne" climb and glacier "slog". Anyone done this beofre? It looks a little benign from a climber's perspective but maybe a good intro for a sport climber girlfriend whose never worn crampons or used an ice axe before? We would also try and spend the night at the Moraine as she is definately used to Smith Rock type approaches.
  9. Dave, I don't think people are miffed about the number of rope ups going on or even that this one exists. I think what peopl have their hackles up over is the fact that this event has been one way for the last two years, was originally thought to be this way again, until recently, and now what people had set in their minds as the rope up, is no longer what this event will be. It does not negate us from doing a rope up like the days of old, I just think it caught a few of us off guard that this was the direction this rope up was going, with little or no contact towards those that have helped put the rop up on in year's past (Beck had very little to do with the Rope ups in years past, although he did help get a campsite the last two years). As for your comment about the silent majority - Of course THEY are silent because the majority of those who will be at the CC.com rope up this year do not even subscribe, let alone post, to this website! I have no bones with Beck and will probably attend this years sponsored Rope up, but also hope there will be a smaller venue, more in line with cc.com values on a different weekend for an all cc.comers shindig in Leavenworth. If I wanted to join the Mountaineers, I would join the Mountaineers. That is not my bag and therefore hope that the cc.comers will have there "own" rope up on a different date. I'm tired of bitching and whining like a Wittle cry Baby now. Proceed with your internet surfing...er I mean with the rest of your work day.
  10. Way to go on the bomber alien placement! God, I love those little f'ers!
  11. You aren't serious are you? If so, A5 makes Big Wall gear and was bought out by TNF a few years back......
  12. C'mon Greg, its already been said, there are going to be people who don't climb at the Climber's rope up! Also, all of the routes have a sign up sheet for a waiting list due to the number of people attending this year's Rope Up, so if you're not already on the list, it is doubtful you will get to climb at all this weekend, so might as well eat a free lunch!
  13. So when are we going to hit the North Ridge of Baker? Interested?
  14. Yup, my typo error. The Exum is on the SE side for god's sake! The info. is still correct though. You can't see the storms coming in usually until it is too late. Thanks for catching my error.
  15. Great idea Tex about Prusik! We can hold a cc.comer's rope up and protest the fee at the same time! That way we can say we are not there for recreational purposes. Good thinking! Not it on carrying the keg!
  16. You're old enough to have teenagers? You don't post as old as you are! That is a compliment by the way!
  17. Well said, Off white. My sentiments exactly.
  18. You mean there are going to be people there who don't climb? I assumed that Rope Up meant a climber's rope-up, not a party for the masses from Wenatchee to come and crash when they get tired of trying to not get busted for cruising violations. So, just for clarification, this is NOT a CC.com event and is now a benefit for Access Fund, AAC, and any other sponsor who is being asked to participate? I think this needs to be clarified. If this is a mass benefit where we can expect a few hundred climbers and another 100+ non-climbers, that is much different than a rope-up gathering that cc.comers have participated in over the last few years in the Spring and Fall. I have no problem with this type of event, and will gladly support AAC and Access Fund, but if it is not for cc.comers specifically, one, I don't think it should be called the Rope up, and tweo, I think we should have just a cc.comers only "rope-up" on another weekend. Back to TG kegs, throwing puppies, and watching Erik solo 5.10 offwidths in the dark!
  19. Damn Paul, that's cold! Just cause you are still in college doesn't mean I still can't pass for a college student with my boyish good looks! Hope to see you around sometime! Are you back up in Seattle or in Eugene?
  20. I am NOT old, I amexperienced, and most definately real!
  21. Also, I like the fact that there are no fees for this event. However, if fees ever do come into play, I say we vow right this minute that all proceeds go to CC.com to run the website and none goes to AAC or Access Fund. My dues already go to these organizations. People can sign up at Rope up if they want to, but the benefits should go to Jon and Co.
  22. Beck I do applaud your efforts, but too much change can be a bad thing. We are not The Mountaineers or the Obsidians or even the WAC, although I am sure there is a lot of overlap. We are CC.comers. I look ofrward to attending rope up, drinking beer, and having a good time with those of you I've met and those I haven't. Too much organization may seem a bit overboard, especially when the majority of us are quite spontaneous in nature. I will come and drink some beer, hang out with friends, talk climbing shit, chase women when I get drunk and go climbing. I may even participate in some trail building and the like, but having stationed top ropes set up with maned belays? Are you fucking kidding me? Why don't we bring in a portable climbing wall like the 6year olds do for birthday parties! Again, I applaud your efforts and you doing all of this work, just try to not go too overboard, or I think you will not have a cc.com rope up, but an AAC benefit or REI Event. Good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help out as I will be coming up from Oregon.
  23. For one, did you see the size of the party that they were all climbing in? Fast and light did not seem like the motto of the day. Secondly, there is no real easy way to get off the Upper Exum Ridge once on it except for a contrived descent that is difficult to decipher at best in the best conditions above the Friction Pitch, which they were not at yet. Either way, the storms are coming in from the East and you cannot see them until above the Friction Pitch anyways. Better to be sure to be at least heading down to the rappel anchors to the West of the Owen Spalding route prior to mid afternoon. Sad loss, but an occurance that happens quite often in the Tetons each year, I am affraid. Even two rangers were struck almost in that same spot two years ago.
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