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Everything posted by Dru

  1. TriCams rock the world, had em for 12 years only ever got 1 fixed and it was a girls fault.....
  2. quote: Originally posted by Mr. Natural: really? dogs are excellent tent heaters. Good to see Chepe is getting beer at an early age. Couldn't Ray have just put the beer in a bowl though? Holding the dog in one hand, beer inthe other and (presumably) pouring beer into dog sounds like a complicated way to do it.
  3. Dru


    Fri Nov 08 AM Showers 48°/33° 30 % Sat Nov 09 Cloudy 51°/27° 20 % Sun Nov 10 Cloudy 46°/22° 20 % Mon Nov 11 Showers 50°/25° 40 % HOW COME THE WEATHER FORECAST CHANGES FROM 90% POP to 20% overnight? I think Im leaving Friday morning or something.
  4. Dru


    Trask who's this Cooper guy you are channeling? Some militia man off a White Power site or what?
  5. Do like Twight and make the fatter guy go down first wearing both packs with a gear backup on the anchor. If he doesnt rip it then you take the backup gear out and rap your skinny ass down after. Except it sounds like that might not have helped Stefan? Do you think the rope slipped and burned/cut through the sling or what?
  6. SIC EM BOY SIC EM!!!!
  7. Have you noticed on the front page the title of this thread is "Kayak, Paddle And Spray"
  8. When I realized how many kids were gonna be at the show I hurriedly went thru and took out all the weed smoking and beer drinking slides and replaced them with climbing but the "Ghetto" component was unavoidably comnpromised. But lots of old friends showed up. Hell, Mike Guite came all the way back from London to see it!
  9. Dru


  10. dear god between you and me your performance to date has been merely mediocre if you want to jazz things up i suggest having beer fall from the sky instead of rain. yours truly pat buchanan
  11. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by eric8: Dru if this Gordon's plan goes through does it mean that US will have to log right up to the Canadian/American border like the canucks did. Cause I for one would like to keep some trees on our side of the border. the americans logged right up to the border near sumas where they could get at the wood. i see the c;learcuts every time i drive home from abbotsford. the valleys you refer to are ones where the only access was through canada and we weren't about to let americans come through canada to log american wood.
  12. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: yes they go up to five years, but they can call an election anytime they want to. this entitles them to be able to closely monitor the polls and call an election... almost gauranteeing a win and another 5years in office...if we did this in the states, bush would call an election right during a war and he would be in for another 4 years almost gauranteed... So then he'd just be out in 6 years instead of 8? All it means is politicians can spread their bribery out over the term instead of dumping it all in every 4 years when they need to be reelected. But maybe you are listening to the Bible thumpers at your school tell you about how the Liberals are always in power in Canada. That has to do with the fact that a) they've bought off Ontario and Quebec (70% of country's population) b) they haven't fucked up like Mulroney did c) the opposition are uninspiring unless you are a Bible thumper (alliance/Reform) or an actual real live progressive socialist (NDP). But whatever. you coming to the Slideshow tonight?
  13. When I did W R NTS I found that the gate was open at the bridge over N Fork Nuttsack River for hunting season and we drove right to the quarry. No hunters shot at us either.
  14. Trask if it takes $300 for a nibble from you, what do you charge for the full meal deal? I did not know gigolos got paid that much {Sorry for the thread drift I couldnt help it!}
  15. The only person Ive ever supported the banning of has been Agent Orange and he reallyhad to work at it. Aside from that has anyone ever been banned? I dont think so?
  16. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: quote: an actual elected leader, yeah you mean whenever he wants to call a vote, he can? that is bull shit man... canada is fucked up. whenever a leader is up in the polls, he simply calls a vote and is good for the next 4 years...total bull...and you thik the U.S. isn't democratic...at least our pres. doesn't call whn the elections take place... Actually Scott the Canadian parliamentary system allows one to go up to 5 years between elections. And how did the 'advantage' you mention help Mulroney or Glen Clark at all
  17. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by ryland moore: Too bad all those desert caves are closed to climbers, yet left open to cavers and kids partying, and motor cross assholes! Actually, Timmay or others who live in Bend, know anything about the few caves that are still open to climbers? I am guessing they stay dry during rain! Easy's Playhouse stays dry during rain if you like 12's.
  18. Dru


  19. Dru


    An error has occured: Tried to open zero-sized topic 001096 in forum 23. at CGIPath/ubb_lib_files.cgi line 777. Please inform the board administration of this error so that they may fix the problem. Thank you! Yesterday it was forum 28 and today it's forum 23. I think it must be a new moderator fucking up or something of the sort, deleting or moving a topic and leeaving a "zero sized" hole behind. [ 11-06-2002, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  20. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: quote:Originally posted by Greg W: We could solve a myriad of problems with we cracked down on illegal aliens and deported these criminals. Like the problem of having dirt cheap produce because the agriculture sector has to pay so many people sub-minimum wages? No, like illegals sending their children to schools, taking healthcare services, accepting government food subsidy programs, etc. Not to mention crime.So you would rather none of those services was available to them, hence increasing the crime rate? Fact is illegal and legal immigration to USA is what keeps your country going. Its called a cheap labour pool and habving a large labour force and relatively high unemployment among the unskilled keeping wages low and industry competitive.
  21. Dru


    it musta wore off cause its happening AGAIN!!!
  22. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: It's two TVs and a car, brah. Two cars and a TV must be what the poor in Canada have. Oh, and health care. I dont even have a TV. I must be poor!
  23. Dru

    Balance of power

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Lambone: Greg, that is about the stupidest thing I have heard you say... Well, fuck you too, Matt. You know, if the poor didn't want to be poor they should have gone to college like I did. Instead they sit at home watching fucking Sally Jesse Rafael and downing Malomars and fried chicken like it's an olympic sport. I am sick of lazy assholes expecting a handout from the government, which in turn comes from my hard work. Fuck the poor. Greg W Maybe they were too poor working their minimum wage job to afford tuition?
  24. Dru

    Balance of power

    It must be hard fitting the two cars and cable TV in the shopping cart with all the garbage bags full of god-knows-what already in there.
  25. DFA if you can't wait for glue-ins you could try a strap-on.
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