round stock locking oval is the best biner i have found that works as brake biner in the reverso.
other than that i like them for aid too... erik is being pretentious, some of us like'em...its like using a figure 8 to tie in instead of a clove hitch bowline... or double fisherman insteadof EDK...people who say one is always better are usually frustrated guide wanna bes
Crazy Jamie
4 12%
5 16%
Polish Bob
0 0%
Ray Borbon
0 0%
Forrest Murphy
0 0%
Bryan Burdo
0 0%
Erik Kubiak
1 03%
G Spotter
0 0%
6 19%
Mike Gauthier
0 0%
Fred Beckey
4 12%
I dont have an opinion but I like to vote!
11 35%
Still Time To Vote!!!!
its wednesday. we've already heard and sprayed about the cool sends of the weekend asnd its too early to chestbeat about the upcoming weekend hence the pix of pub club, discussions of nature lovers and so on....
hazards of being naked in mountains include cold induced shrinkage, sun/wind burn on normally unexposed areas, attacks of , and no place to put your sponsors logos.