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Everything posted by Dru

  1. BM gas? You mean like flatus?
  2. who actually went? if no body did can we get some Avatars to make Fake TR's?
  3. SASQUATCH Maybe I should sell the pic to Kokanee for their label then.....
  4. How come the Bible doesn't say anything about Trilobites and dinosaurs? The account of the creation of the Earth, given in religious texts, is incompatible with the evidence as we see it on Earth and in the cosmos. Therefore either 1) religious creation myths are wrong, hence the religious texts should not be taken as literal documents, and we can hence question and judge for ourselves the words contained in them, or 2) whomever created the Earth did it as a deliberate hoax, putting in fake strata, fossils and so on to make it look much olderr than it is... I question such a beings motives... also definitely not the being(s) portrayed in religious texts.... 3) "If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?" -Charles Fort
  5. "i don't read the torah tora, tora, tora cheescake a slab of cheese cake and put it right into your thighs radadah disguise dadadaladadadah dahdada"
  6. if the snow is that deep and soft, you could self arrest with your bare hands, most likely. and they'd probably be safer than trying to use your pick.
  7. Dru

    Question for Dru

    state of anarchy
  8. Dru


    just hang a chopped bolt off your rear view mirror. the other faction is identified by their pink Lycra
  9. how do you do field days with no snow though. we had a good year, 1996 or something.
  10. Dru

    Question for Dru

    About rhymes with doubt, and reboot rhymes with pollute. But when an American says "Mom" it rhymes with Bomb
  11. ya but how were avvy conditions and was any ice in in the silvertip gullies?
  12. Dru

    Question for Dru

    Reboot: An award winning animated show about the wacky goings on in the city of Mainframe. Produced in Vancouver by some cheap ass bunch of animators.
  13. Why does ice form? "cause it doesn't know the words"
  14. technique of no technique is used when unable to jam or when wanting to move quickly thru a section where one does not need to place pro eg. when climbing offwidths on TR or other foolishness. and if you do a Google Image search for Lieback crack look what you find...scott'teryx!!!!
  15. Dru


  16. Dru


    Ol' Uncle Sam looks like a @!?*&> hippy with that beard.
  17. heh. i remember sitting in the UBC pub in 2nd year listening to my friend Noel argue with himself - hamburger or carabiner?
  18. just push that body away from the wall a bit and perfect lieback position!!! this comin' from a guy who laybacked ALL of Hypertension jamming? wha tha?
  19. recent poll said 50% of americans believed the latter.....
  20. i dont see any trees in this one smartass
  21. 1 track mind
  22. look pictures! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB8&Number=123456&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  23. confucious say, "girl who ride bicycle peddle ass all over town"
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