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Everything posted by Dru

  1. 200 lbs of boulder is fairly dense on your arm is poor leverage chance of rolling ( if it aint a sphere) is low might have had to amp it later anyhow so he made a good call.
  2. Being a bad ass does not confer invulnerability so all those people out there who think to themselves "Person X is a bad ass so he will not die" are due for serious shock sooner or later. I dont think it has anything much to do with soloing more with dying.
  3. OOOPs. Rocker not Roller. The Troll is the Yates I believe. Yates is USA only and Troll is Wild Country's budget arm. Its just the Ushba with a few tweaks. I dont think you can get the Ushba in the UK anyways.
  4. sisu jokes
  5. Dru

    Need some advice

    and you can't get Irn Bru in North America so you'd have to grind some rust off your beater and mix it in your coke.
  6. kill paperclip
  7. Close down Slack Alice's (peelers) or Barley Mill (brewpub) then sleep off indulgence in your car in the parking lot till its climbing time again.
  8. Dru

    Happy May-Day!

    q:what is the difference between communism and capitalism? a: under capitalism, man exploits man; under communism, its the other way around
  9. Agreed objective, respectfully disagree technical. Two tools is technical.
  10. maybe he should team up with joe simpson and get a sponsorship. "got swiss?"
  11. I wouldn't call halfway up the NW Face of Devils Thumb, hiking.....
  12. Dru

    Happy May-Day!

    Hooray Hooray The First of May Outdoor Fucking Starts Today
  13. Dru

    Need some advice

    its not like he's climbing, you can be drunk and paint. look at Picasso!
  14. Dru

    Need some advice

    I said light beer ya goofball. Mmm, this bear is so "lite" after that 80 proof rum. What are ya a Mormon or something?
  15. in the front yard of my friends house.
  16. Guy Edwards was a total bad ass I would say much more so than Colin, but he's still dead. Ditto Alex Lowe. There is a lesson to be learned there.
  17. There is some good info now available on www.buildering.net about roped sololo devices. Did you know that an Ushba will cleanly sever the rope at a 5 kN force level!! So its safe to use for TR (max realistic force you will gennerate is about 1.8 kN) but NOT for leading If you can find a Troll copy called a Roller, it is safer, begins to slide a bit a 3kN and so does not cut the rope, apparently.
  18. Dru

    Need some advice

    Fringante. Its 11%
  19. Dru

    Siberian X

    the dead trevor with the other dead guy (steve) and maybe pehota too. didnt you see the slide show, chrzanowski showed allk the pics in between talking about venezuela and psychedelics!
  20. Dru

    frozen barfies

    pete our t3's up in canada got codeine in em and its legal.
  21. Word around Squamish is that Trevor (not the dead one) has just climbed and Skiied Siberian Express on the west face of Garibaldi. This line is 60 degrees at the top. Third or fourth ascent, second or third ski descent. 24 hour round trip from Cat Lake.
  22. The goal of climbing is to climb. some of us like climbing better without heavy pack than with heavy pack. Hence take as littl;e as possible. which means minimal or no bivy gear, which means climb fast. I definitely enjoyed hiking into prussik more with a daypack than with an overnight pack. The hike out was equally painful both times, for various reasons. Its also more fun climbing Slesse without bivy gear than with it.
  23. HernyG, TenaciousD, MistaT, AlpineK, ScottPee Which of these things is not like the others?
  24. Best deal is when you get booty.
  25. Dru


    believing a system crash was meant to get you is a sign of paranoia????
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