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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    What Type of Wipe?

    Do you take in the back country?
  2. How is a boulderer without a harness gonna know how to tie a bowline huh
  3. Dru

    Who sent what?

    Canadian Border Peak South Ridge steep aretes choss, rubble soft snow postholing up and down beautiful views of the inside of a thunderhead Saw some human tracks on N Face of Tomyhoi, any claimants? Maybe it was - and Fido?
  4. Dru


    CBS: you dont need to feed the end thru... you just hold your brake hand on the "east" or "west" side of the device when it should be on the "south" side (the slots are aligned N-S in this example)
  5. What about Daisy huh????
  6. They call it the Peace Keeper Special after the Squamish Nation cops with the big SUV's. I think its 4 bacon, 4 sausage , 4 ham, 4 eggs, 4 toast and hash browns Sitting on your ass driving around the reserves in SUvs burns a damn lot of calories obviously! Eiother that or its a tough job and they are shot dead by 35 so who cares about cholesterol counts.
  7. "i'd go for it, but I don't have my 3 witnesses, stopwatch and GPS"
  8. the best way to climb and safest isto drop acidandfreesolo aboveaherd of mtneers in training
  9. Ti is stickier than steel for screws Itsareal bitrch getting thecore out Ti screws = alpine only. For waterfall they aredouble death suck
  10. use plenty of lubricant?
  11. Dru

    Case Closed

    a cull would be good more resources per survivor plaguemakessurvivorsrich damn spacebarisbust
  12. Dru

    Concern 4 The Spray

    Whathappened to the"Concern 4thegroup" thread? I t was just gettin good.
  13. snow is aid beer is aid guidebook author is aid ade is aid
  14. Dru

    I'm serious now

    that's my STACHE!!!! RIP? BURN?
  15. catbirdseat dont make me sober up cause i might remember where i left my whoop ass
  16. Dru


    Ole puts up a sign in his front yard "Boat for sale" Lena is puzzled. "Hey Ole. You got a Chohn Deere, and you got a Ford, and dot is all you got. Chust where is this vessel you sell?" Ole says "Ja Lena, the Chohn Deere, and the Ford. They are boat for sale, chust like the sign say."
  17. It is caused 1) by being suck and 2) forgetting to breathe.
  18. Over the years I have had many lame excuses from partners and given a few myself. "I have to be home tonight to watch Star Trek" "I have to be home tonight to watch Formula 1" "Today is the last day for RRSP contributions" "I have to feed my horse" "I'm going to church Sunday - I feel religious" "It might be windy - I'm going sailing" "I don't want to walk that far" "That crag is for bolt clipping sissies" "I have to wax my truck" "There's a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter I want to watch and my telescope will get damaged in your car" etc.
  19. Ok I got a Canadian 24g for you at the price for an American oz.
  20. Dru

    I'm free!!!

    what was the aid rating
  21. Buildering First Ascents.
  22. hot day boss sent me back to truck to get his thermos for him thermos full of cold gatorade drank 2/3 refilled with urine "here you go sir" he most of it "no I don't want any - I had a drink from the creek. thanks though"
  23. i thought you did that cause micro likes being gummed
  24. people that phone you and leave a voice message telling you they left you an email.
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