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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Mmmm Yummy!

    During crowd scenes in British movies The extras are instructed to say "Rhubarb, rhubarb" in order to create a rumbling buzz of background conversation. Rhubarb leaves contain enough Oxalic Acid that they are lethally poisonous. Do not eat.
  2. Dru

    Mmmm Yummy!

    i misread the title of this thread as mummy yummy at first i thought it was Layton on about MILF again
  3. Dru

    Mmmm Yummy!

    chilliwack airport pie
  4. hey with all these super detailed replies it's like davetvedt is dan - or something. the logic makes about as much sense. maybe some avatars will chime in and say how much they like having bolts at knee and shoulder height while they clip over their head and then matt perkins will make a futile attempt to moderate the thread and it will go on for 30 pages!!!
  5. In the new Waddington guide is a picture of Beckey's note from the 2nd ascent of Waddington he made as a 16 year old, which was later removed from the summit cairnm and taken to the Provincial Archives. Dudes handwriting hasnt changed a bit in 55+ years.
  6. 18
  7. I think the Serl quote goes "With inspiration born of desperation, we decided to turn a route finding error into a BRILLIANT NEW VARIATION"
  8. Dru

    Mmmm Yummy!

    pagetops R yummy
  9. You mean they are printing my ravings in the AAJ now too
  10. Dru

    fri the 13th

    Lee Harvey Oswald and The Killer Rabbit both have the same number of letters Pres. Kennedy was "attacked" by a rabbit on the white house lawn 13 months before he was assassinated in Dallas. A secret service man killed the rabbit with a canoe paddle. CAN IT BE A COINCIDENCE
  11. Dru

    Mmmm Yummy!

    not only that but she is the same XXXL height as snoboy so it doesn't look silly when they kiss like it would if she was 5'4"
  12. i just found out about this like 15 minutes ago! Dru c. February 2003 "If I am EVER printed in a magazine for sprayin' and not climbing related stuff you can kill me." On the other hand - eh - JKreuger my per word rate just went up now I've been published in one of the Big Mags
  13. Dru

    new avatar image

    good on ya
  14. Informed opinion is that Lillarete is better than BOB
  15. current forecast 99% chance of pagetop
  16. Ever since people realized that its fucking easy, not some hardman epic suffer fest? Alpine Grade AD, come on, that's not the be all and end all of mountaineering... it's been skiied... get over it, it IS a beginner bumbly route.
  17. Dru

    Anchor questions

    When you tie the cordelette to your anchors the bottom loop is the "master point" If you worry about having the belay (like a Reverso) and you anchored to the same master point loop, clip the Reverso in above the knot instead of below. Its easier to belay that way too. Personally I prefer to belay off my harness than off the anchor, but sometimes, eg when using the Reverso and 2 seconds you have to belay off the anchor. But its all gear geek question anyways.
  18. Was that thirty pitchers of old stool?? Sounds like a heap o' shit to me... 30 pitchers of Extra Old Style
  19. sounds like me, jordop and berdinka are gonna seige some Lillooet area choss on Sunday look for epic TR late sunday nite
  20. Dru

    Amuse me.

    Pagetops are funny
  21. Dru

    Amuse me.

    Sight of Naked Man Kills Shark
  22. Go to LILLOOET!
  23. Dru

    Amuse me.

  24. Dru


    isn't gamboling something like frisking and frolicing?
  25. So did you go to Russia for touchy-feely before you chose the mail order bride then?
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