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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Mental difference will affect the decision to rope up or not. Hence the class of the route for the same degree of difficulty. otherwise everyone would be able to free solo (="3rd class") anything they can succesfully top rope without falling
  2. Dru

    gaper gazing

    y dont u put up signs saying Rainier over all the signs that say Bachy that wld rEALY confusem.
  3. If your class 5 g/f is a pro, that must get expensive.
  4. class 2 = an easy scramble. you need to use your hands a bit, but not consistently class 3 = you are using your hands constantly, but the scrambling is not difficult class 4 = a difficult scramble where less experienced people will want a rope for mental security even though they can do all the moves no problem. overlaps with low 5th class. practical difference is mostly related to other factors than how hard it is, namely exposure, greater position on a route or whatever. Class 4 can include both simul climbing and pitches which are belayed but on which pro is not placed (leader solos dragging rope for benefit of second) as well as pitches which are 3rd classed but which the scrambler feels are more difficult than class 3 and should be noted as such. For instance: Class 2 - south ridge of tricouni Peak from meadows to west; summit ridge of McGuire Class 2-3 - chimney on Black Tusk; west ridge of Needle Peak; Crown Mountain summit pyramid; SE slopes Mt Truax; standard route on Lady Class 3: south ridge of Welch; SW slopes oF williams Pk.; w ridge N twin sister if you deke out right on the face wherever things get tough Class 3-4: east ridge of Welch Peak; west lion Tourist Route Class 4: Castle towers central summit (crossing notch); NE ridge needle pEak; W ridge of N Twin sister following crest; N ridge of Shadowfax; standard route on Rexford; north ridge of Tricouni
  5. Dru


    thread is dumb
  6. Dru


    thread is
  7. Dru


  8. Dru


  9. i like it when bike messengers hit car windows with their krypto lock and im on the bus laughing at the both of them
  10. biggus!
  11. Dru

    anyone else

  12. this reminds me of a funny Spalding Gray story. after he told his girlfriend that men with big units peed more, he started smuggling extra water bottles into the john and pouring them into the bowl so it sounded like his urination duration went on for like 10 minutes.
  13. yeah, cause erik would never respect waitress
  14. i eat lots of horse cock
  15. Dru

    why does my computer

    Erik is approaching 6000 posts asypmtotically
  16. How is it you have your CAJ and I dont have mine yet Stupid chilliwack post office
  17. Dru


    5. is my fave
  18. yeah, howe sound brew pub has sucky beer. i had all* the us microbrews and they all suck. *except I haven't tried Terminal Gravity yet. send me a sampler keg set TG!!! I promise to review it fairly
  19. Dru


    if you drop a piece of gear, even a few feet, it's potentially dangerous. send any such dropped gear to me for testing. if it is safe, i will return it to you for a nominal fee. if it is dangerous, i will destroy it to ensure no one is ever deceived by ticking timebomb dangerous dropped gear that looks apparently safe to the untrained eye.
  20. yeah, when you are sweating silver bullets, then you go have a quick golden shower from your ewe?
  21. mount sir "nemesis"? you mean better plan on a couple of weeks for that one. you should take the whole week and go do N face of Bryce.
  22. Dru


    Did you look under the couch cushions? Thats always where I found lost stuff. In fact, at MEC reading area, they sewed the cushions to the couch just to prevent us dirtbags from looking under them for lost stuff. Too bad cuz I found a Gri Gri there once.
  23. i have sampled many american beer and they all were second rate. you guys must have mormons running your breweries. even the supposed "good" expensive microbrews like Sierra Pale and Anchor Steam, taste like weak Canadian beer like Kokanee. face it youve all been raised on such a diet of mediocrity that yopu think ven mouse pis stastes good nby comparison. suxxor suckity sukka
  24. Dru


    it is called RE-ANIMATOR!!!!
  25. Dru


    is that big in japan? they can probably special order you a 12" to satisfy your unique needs.
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