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Everything posted by Dru

  1. kinky Qcumber
  2. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/nm/20030701/od_uk_nm/oukoe_odd_germany_sex&e=2
  3. first kayak descent of the water runnel on banana peel anyone?
  4. see, choss
  5. just do a google image search for choss, i mean, excellent bomber rock
  6. Dru


    Every time i hear "The Rockefeller Skank" I think of John Millar wearing his mumu into Mugs & Jugs.
  7. Lame pre- spray.
  8. Dru

    Extreme weather

  9. Dru


    genetically created shemales
  10. The MEAGER GROUP has some EXCELLENT BOMBER ROCK! ssssshhhhhh
  11. http://www.nettavisen.no/servlets/page?section=1706&item=275184 AlpineK take note.
  12. what does the enemy look like?
  13. Dru


    Have you ever been e-harrassed by a nutcase as a result of posting on this or any other site? aside from Trask I mean. Not that i have any avatars but I am interested to hear stories from some of those who have if people ever treat your avatars differently than they treat you?
  14. Dru

    The Mall

    hangin in malls is SOOOOOOOO 80's its almost RETRO these days.
  15. it's made from cow hoof and bone dont need no Mad Cow from my yogurt! use tapioca as thickener instead. better tasting too. gelatin is suxxor.
  16. 3.25% MF yogurt with no gelatin Do they make it in jalapeno flava though?
  17. Bet U can't land a Beaver many places in BC. What you are thinking of is a BELL JET RANGER www.whitesaddleair.com
  18. Dru

    Joke 4 The Day

    What do you call a whole bunch of heavily armed survivalist lesbians? Militia Etheridge
  19. Dru

    Extreme weather

    Hot weather and higher winds = more tree damage = more work for Kurt Shouldn't this thread be in the NEW TREE KILLING FORUM
  20. octopus giganteus slideshow
  21. Dru

    Extreme weather

    It's gonna rain on the day I am invited on a picnic date. That's almost 100% accurate conclusion
  22. Fred Beckey for Prez. "huh wha? Horsecock? Yeah, blow up all those snafflehounds!"
  23. Dru

    Extreme weather

    hey, faster winds = more clean green wind power
  24. Jello Biafra for PREZ
  25. Dru

    JUST HIT 1 Thousand

    or in MY case - 740 "You are FOLLOWING THE LEADER"
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